.NET resource file question...



I have a solution that contains about 10 projects, and each project contains
several Windows forms (VS 2003, CLR 1.1)

I would like to add a single resource file that contains all of the bmp
image files that will be used across all of the forms. That way, if I
decide to change an image, I can simply modify the resource file and the new
image will be changed on all of the forms. I was just wondering what the
best-practice pattern is for doing this.

Should I create a single resx file contains all images for the app and place
it in the main assembly? Then, all other assemblies would have to be told
to use this file?

Any input would be appreciated!



sorry u cannot do that in 1.1 you should know better, Csharp is still
a beta application


Thanks for the link. Unfortunately that information is for ASP 2.0, and I
am using Windows Forms 1.1.

Thanks anyway!

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