.Net Mail only goes to one



This is the function I use in a mailsender class in vb2005 using the
system.net.mail namespace
Public Function SendSMTPNetMail(ByVal msgFrom As String, _

ByVal msgTo As String, _

ByVal msgSubject As String, _

ByVal msgBody As String, _

Optional ByRef ExStr As String = "", _

Optional ByVal msgCC As String = "", _

Optional ByVal Attachments As String = "", _

Optional ByVal SMTPServer As String = "localhost") As Boolean

'Attachments is a semiclon separated string of the fully qualified path of
the attachment(s) if there is at least one


Dim EmailMessage As New MailMessage

Dim AddressFrom As New MailAddress(msgFrom) 'there can only be one from

EmailMessage.From = addressFrom

EmailMessage.IsBodyHtml = False

EmailMessage.Subject = msgSubject

EmailMessage.Body = msgBody

'There can be multiple to adresses, there must be at least one

Dim ToArray() As String

msgTo = Trim(msgTo)

ToArray = msgTo.Split(";")

For Each EmailTo As String In ToArray

Dim ToAddress As New MailAddress(EmailTo)



'There could be multiple CC or no CC at all

msgCC = Trim(msgCC)

If msgCC > "" Then

Dim ccArray() As String

ccArray = msgCC.Split(";")

For Each CCaddress As String In ccArray

Dim addressCC As New MailAddress(CCaddress)



End If

Dim emailClient As New SmtpClient(SMTPServer)

emailClient.UseDefaultCredentials = True

emailClient.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis

'There can be multiple attachments

Dim AttachArray() As String

If Attachments <> "" Then

Attachments = Trim(Attachments)

If Len(Attachments) > 0 Then

AttachArray = Attachments.Split(";")

' Iterate through the attachment array collection

For Each Attachment As String In AttachArray

Dim attachFile As New Attachment(Attachment)

'Add each item to the collection



End If

End If

EmailMessage.Priority = MailPriority.High


Return True

Catch ex As FormatException

Dim log As New EventLog(My.Application.Info.ProductName, My.Computer.Name,

log.WriteEntry(ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error, 122)

SendSMTPMailFailsToFile(ex.Message, msgFrom, msgTo)

ExStr = ex.Message

Return False

Exit Function

Catch ex As SmtpException

Dim log As New EventLog(My.Application.Info.ProductName, My.Computer.Name,

log.WriteEntry(ex.Message, EventLogEntryType.Error, 123)

ExStr = ex.Message

Return False

Exit Function

End Try

End Function

The messages get sent OK, however if I enter two destination addresses (for
instance mine in my domain and then the same address again for testing) I
should get two copies of the same message sent to my email account. I only
get one. The other problem is that when I enter my email address on my
domain and my email address for hotmail in the CC I don't get a CC either at
my own address or my hotmail address. What am I doing wrong?

Any help would be appreciated.


Michael D. Ober

This sounds like a mail server issue. What mail server are you using. If
it is Exchange, your first problem is that exchange filters the address list
for any message that arrives and only delivers one copy a message to each
address on the list. If the same address appears more than once, Exchange
detects this and removes duplicate addresses. The second problem sounds
like a relay restriction at your SMTP server.

Mike Ober.

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