.Net JIT and performance profiling


Pawan Singh


I am using some performance profiling tools to find out which lines of my
code are taking most time. My applications are standalone .Net executables.
What I noticed is that the application is taking around 20-25% of time in
JIT. Is there a way to pre-JIT for a standalone application so that I do not
have to pay this cost during runtime?

(One strange thing is that I would think JIT %age will go down the longer I
run the application. But it seems to remain the same even if the application
is running for hours. Does that mean that the same sections of code are
JITed again and again?)


Niki Estner

Do you make extensive use of compiled regexes or some other technology that
creates IL code on the fly? Otherwise, I wouldn't really trust that
profiling data...


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