.NET Application Causes Exception




I built an applicaiton using the Windows Media Player ActiveX control. It
works fine on my dev machine.

I deploy it a second machine with WMP and .NET, and the Debugger reports an
exception occurred. Nothing else. No .NET runtime error stack - I'm
figuring the app didn't successfully load. I do include the Interop DLL
that was generated with my EXE and PDB files.

If I remove the ActiveX control from the program, the program loads.

1. How can I get more information from the "second machine" exception?
2. I am guessing that the Interop DLL - referencing a WINDIR\system32 DLL-
should work fine, even though the WINDIR name is different on the machines?

I am going home to RTFM. If you have a suggestion of what to read in the
TFM, or any other advice, please reply.



You should use the Packaging from .NET ( i.e Setup & Delpoyment Project ) to
deploy windows forms applications. It should solve your problem, just
copying sometimes does not work, specificaly if u have included COM


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