Nested tables



I notice some of the tables in the Northwind sample database have other
tables "nested" within.
How may I build a table like the sample's?
To illustrate, in the Categories Table, the first column is filled with "+"
which when clicked on, expands and show a new table (whose name is not shown
but it appears to be the "product" tabloe with the "categories" column taken

Similar, the "product" table itself contains a nested table within itself,
and that appears to be the "order details" table with the "product" column
taken out.

How are these nested tables created?

Nikos Yannacopoulos


The functionality you describe is called "subdatasheet". To do this, the two
tables need to be joined on some field in the database's relationships; then
Access will default a table as another one's subdatasheet if there exists a
one to many relationship between them, but there may be cases where table A
is the one side of a one to many relationship with table B and with table C;
the table you get in table A's subdatasheet may not be the one you want. In
that case, open table A in design view, go to meny item View > Properties,
and change the Subdatasheet Name property.


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