Nested table




I just created a webpage with a table two column one row. However within
this table I created a new table (5 rows 1 col) within the first column. The
second column that is empty has the cursor in the middle of the column and
not the top of the column. Please advise how to get to the top of the empty
column so that I can place a new table in this column.


I actually figured out how to get the cursor to the top of the column.
However the real problem is that I have the same width for both tables top
and bottom table but they don't appear the same when viewed in the browser.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Stefan B Rusynko

Table sizes are minimums - and they will expand to fit content


SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
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|I actually figured out how to get the cursor to the top of the column.
| However the real problem is that I have the same width for both tables top
| and bottom table but they don't appear the same when viewed in the browser.
| Thank you for your time and consideration.
| Sincerely,
| EM
| --
| Estandardtime Realty
| "Murray" wrote:
| > Set the alignment in that cell to "top".
| >
| > --
| > Murray
| > --------------
| > MVP FrontPage
| >
| >
| > | > > Hi,
| > >
| > > I just created a webpage with a table two column one row. However within
| > > this table I created a new table (5 rows 1 col) within the first column.
| > > The
| > > second column that is empty has the cursor in the middle of the column and
| > > not the top of the column. Please advise how to get to the top of the
| > > empty
| > > column so that I can place a new table in this column.
| > > --
| > > Estandardtime Realty
| >
| >
| >

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