Nested "IF"

Jun 10, 2009
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I'm making a spreadsheet in excel recording exam scores and averages etc.
I want to make a column that displays some results with colour coding. For example, there are a series of exams, and depending on the results, a student will "PASS" "FAIL" OR "RESIT". These pieces of text are copied and pasted along with other information from a website. I was wondering if it is possible to colour these results. i.e.:
Pass = green
Fail = red
Resit = blue.
Jun 10, 2009
Reaction score
Conditional Formatting should resolve this one for you;

Format, Conditional Formatting add four conditions if cell = "Pass" then go to the format and choose colour green, add in the same process for "Fail" and "Re-sit" and then have one for blank so that if the cell is blank or displays an error it will display a different font.

Hope that helps
Sep 22, 2010
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Nested iif function

Can anyone help me explain how do i nest iif function to show the following.

In my table i contain several payrol type's for employees (TypeA,TypeB,TypeC,TypeD,TypeE etc.)
Half of those are thru Agency and Half and the other are Internal company contracts.

My results should show (Agency for the ones in Red and HomeOffice for the Blue).
I can only get to show the following

PayrolSource:IIf([epPayroll]="*TypeA*" Or [epPayroll]="TypeB" Or [epPayroll]="TypeC",[epPayroll],"Agency") do i continue so in the results i have only two types (Agency and HomeOffice)?
Many Thanks

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