Nested if function


Steve M

I want to return the minimum value of about 13 cells in a column (column B).
I only want to include values where the text in column K is TRUE (based on a
different IF formula from another cell).

Fred Smith

Something like:

=if(K1="TRUE",min(b1:b13),"what you want displayed when K is FALSE")


Steve M

I need the formula to look for "TRUE" in EACH row to determine whether or
not to use the figure in column B. This formula did not
The cell returns #VALUE! when I try this formula. Note that some of the
cells K7 to K18 will contain the formula result "TRUE" and some "FALSE."

Fred Smith

What do you want to happen when a cell is TRUE, and what when it's FALSE? Do
you, for example, want to find the Max of only the TRUEs? Or something else?


Fred Smith

After rereading your initial post, I think the following will do what you

First, you need an array formula, which you create by using
Control-Shift-Enter, rather than just Enter. Second, do you want the minimum
value, or the maximum value? You say Min in your initial post, but used Max
in the formula. Why the discrepancy? Finally, your ranges have to be the
same size. If you're testing K7:K18, then your values range must be B7:B18,
not B7:B20.

Assuming you want the minimum, try the following:


Remember to commit with Ctrl-Shift-Enter.


Ron Rosenfeld

I need the formula to look for "TRUE" in EACH row to determine whether or
not to use the figure in column B. This formula did not
The cell returns #VALUE! when I try this formula. Note that some of the
cells K7 to K18 will contain the formula result "TRUE" and some "FALSE."

That formula is incorrect.

Try this:


NOTE: This formula is an **ARRAY** formula. After you type or paste it into
your cell, enter it by holding down <ctrl><shift> while you hit <enter>. If
you do this correctly, Excel will place braces {...} around the formula in the

Steve M

Let me explain in words what I am trying to do since I am not communicating
well with functions. I have several employees that run production routes.
Their production totals are in column B. I only want to compare the
production for employees certain types of equipment. They use different
equipment on different days. I haven't discussed it, but I use an OR formula
to give me a true or false (based on whether they are using the equipment
whose production I want included in the MIN or MAX comparisons). The OR
formulas returning TRUE or FALSE are in column K. I just want to find the
MIN for the employees that are using certain equipment (in other words that
the OR formula returns TRUE for in column K).
Thank you for your patience.

Fred Smith

What's wrong with the solution we gave you? Did it not work? Did you get an
error message? We can't help you much if you don't tell us what happened.


Steve M

The formula returns #VALUE!
Fred Smith said:
What's wrong with the solution we gave you? Did it not work? Did you get
an error message? We can't help you much if you don't tell us what


Fred Smith

Well at least now we are getting somewhere. Now we need to know:

Whose formula did you use, mine or Ron's? Showing us the exact formula you
used will help.

What's in the data range? Is it all numbers, or is there text or blanks in
some cells?


Fred Smith

More progress. Now go back and read the answers you were given. You will
find your problem.


Steve M

I give up-thank you for trying to help.
Fred Smith said:
More progress. Now go back and read the answers you were given. You will
find your problem.


Fred Smith

Sorry to hear that. The solution was so simple. But if you are not
interested in following our advice, I guess there's nothing we can do.


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