Negative numbers




Does anyone know how to create a formula that will allow
for a begining balance of $0.00 and then take away $20.00
to give you an ending balance of -$20.00. And then have
a begining balance of $-20.00 and take away $20.00 for a
total of -40.00 instead of $0.00. I keep getting a zero.


Hi Jessie;

In VBA you can dim the value as an Interger or a Long, do
the math in memory and then write it to a cell. An
example might be

Sub try()

MyValue = Int(activecell) - 20
activecell = MyValue

End Sub



Norman Jones

Hi Greg,

Since Jessie is clearly dealing with currency calculations, it would not
seem appropriate to dim your variable as either long or integer.

Further, why would you advocate using the Int function?

JE McGimpsey

Actually, for a completely different reason, Long might well be a good
way to go.

Longs will avoid many of the problems introduced by small rounding
errors in IEEE double precision floating point math. Values can be
internally multiplied and divided by 100 to match the currency

So try() could be rewritten:

Public Sub try()
Dim MyValue As Long
With ActiveCell
MyValue = .Value * 100& - 2000&
.Value = MyValue \ 100&
End With
End Sub

However, I don't think that was the original responder's intention.

Norman Jones

Hi JE,
Longs will avoid many of the problems introduced by small rounding
errors in IEEE double precision floating point math. Values can be
internally multiplied and divided by 100 to match the currency

Excellent and well-made point!

Dana DeLouis

Personal preference is to use the "Currency" data type to help avoid the
small rounding issues. Depending of course on what one is doing...
Dana DeLouis

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