Negative numbers with parenthesis



How do I make negative numbers in a report have parenthesis around them? With
currency it is very easy but I cannot figure out how to do it with
non-currency numbers (there is no format that is obvious)

Many thanks.


How do I make negative numbers in a report have parenthesis around them? With
currency it is very easy but I cannot figure out how to do it with
non-currency numbers (there is no format that is obvious)

Many thanks.

Set the Format property of the control on the report to:

Look up Format Property + Number and Currency datatypes for
information on why this works.


Thanks, this worked. Quick question, how do I get the comma when more than a
thousand, for example, (3,456) instead of (3456).

Many thanks.


Thanks, this worked. Quick question, how do I get the comma when more than a
thousand, for example, (3,456) instead of (3456).

Many thanks.

You're not limited to just #.
You could use
or ....
The below will display the comma separated thousands and also always
show 2 decimals.


displays as
1,234.00 or (1234.00)
1,234.10 or (1,234.10)
0.25 or (0.25)
0.05 or (0.05)


Thank you very, very much. You have answered my question very well. I
appreciate your time.

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