Need Word 2003 to "remember" my toolbars.



How can I get Word to "remember" the toolbars I'd like open when I create a
new document? Warning: I'll need step-by-step instructions, as I have tried
everything and nothing seems to work. Thank you.


If I understand you correctly, you want certain toolbars to open every time
you open a new document. If this is correct and you are using Word 2003, open
the document that has the toolbars you would like to appear, go to tools,
macro, macros, organizer, select the toolbar tab and copy the toolbars to
your normal template


I got as far as the toolbar in the organizer. How do I get the toolbars I
want - in the box (the box is empty) in order to be able to copy them into
the normal template.

Graham Mayor

The toolbars that are displayed by Word are stored in the document templates
and the documents themselves. By default they are stored in the normal
template. If you open a blank document and make changes to the toolbar
display, when you close Word you should be prompted (if the option is set in
tools > options> save) to save the normal template. Save it! The principles
involved are very similar to those at

May I suggest that you create custom toolbars to carry your additional

As PJY indicates you can move custom toolbars between open
documents/templates using the Organizer. If the required template is not
open in one of the Organizer windows, close the File and open the required
<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

My web site

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>


Your suggestion of carrying the additional buttons was right on, because the
only thing that worked was adding the buttons from the toolbar I wanted to a
toolbar that was already there. Thank you!!!

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