Need webform Navigation help MVP's



I am designing a web application to offer services to customers. In form1 I
have listed all the services available using CheckBoxlist control. I have a
different webform for customization of each of the services that is being

I want that when a user makes selection of services in the checkboxlist
control on form1, based on his selection of services he shall be redirected
to the pages for selected services one by one in the order of services
selected. Is this Possible?
If yes please guide me how shall i proceed?

Any help is appreciated.

Scott Allen

A very simple approach would be to keep an ArrayList of URLs the user
needs to visit in Session state. On each form you can generate a
HyperLink or LinkButton using the next URL in the ArrayList (and then
removing it when they arrive). A bit naive, but it's a starting point
you can work from.


Thank you for response Scott.
I wonder if I follow what you have stated what would happen if the user
clicks the back button on the browser. He would be directed to the previous
page but an item would have been removed from the arraylist stored in session
state. Hence when he proceeds further, instead of going to the supposed next
page the user would be directed to, next to next page and this will keep
going on.

Let me tell you that whatever the user is selcting I am storing it in a
database table, if it helps.

I am stuck in this for quite sometime now. Please help.


Thank you very much for help Steve. I hope this will sort out my problem.
I'll try using base class. However, I am confused if I can put the navigation
code in the base class during design time. Let me explain:

Form 1 - name "Services"
In this form I have checkboxlist displaying the 35 services offered. Now a
user1 visits the site and he selects
------ checkboxlistitem1
------ checkboxlistitem3
------ checkboxlistitem7

I want that as user1 clicks proceed he must be directed to form - Service1,
then to form- service3, and in the end to form- service3.

In the same way if user2 visits the site and selects
------ checkboxlistitem9
------ checkboxlistitem11
he must be directed to form - Service9, then to form- service11.

I am not very sure how can i do this using base class. Please explain.
I am a final year student and stuck up in my final year project due to this.
Please help. Its very urgent.

Thanks for any help.

Saket Mundra

Steve C. Orr said:
Here's an example of using a base class to provide common functionality to
all your pages:
You can put the navigation code in there.

Here's information about creating a wizard:

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