need VB list property for file contents



I am trying to insert content from 1000 text files into a column in excel and
I found this module in another post and am trying to modify it. The word
that needs to be replaced with the correct property is "MsoAlertDefaultType".
I'm not very knowledgable in VB so any help is greatly appreciated! The
module is below:

Sub Test()
Call ListWordFiles("C:\Biology")
End Sub

Sub ListWordFiles(Folder As String)
Dim NextFile As String
Dim L As Long
On Error Resume Next

NextFile = Dir(Folder & "\*")
Do Until NextFile = ""
L = L + 1
Cells(L, 1) = Folder & "\" & NextFile
Cells(L, 2) = FileDateTime(Folder & "\" & NextFile)
Cells(L, 3) = MsoAlertDefaultType(Folder & "\" & NextFile)
NextFile = Dir()
End Sub



Tom Ogilvy

What information do you want placed in the third column? (what property do
you want placed there). MsoAlertDefaultType is pretty much meaningless to
me, so I don't know what the intent was.

If you don't know what you want there, then I suggest just deleting the


Hi Tom -

First, thanks for your response and willingness to help! I need content
from text files placed into excel cells in column just like the file names
are placed. I'm not sure what specific property I need placed there - that's
where I need your help. I need to know what property to write in place of
"MsoAlertDefaultType" so I can get the contents of those files extracted and
placed into those cells. I hope this isn't confusing!

Thanks again for your help!.

Tom Ogilvy

All that does is list the filenames and their datetime.

If your doing 1000 files, then hopefully they are less than 65 rows each (on

Sub Test()
Call ListWordFiles("C:\Biology")
End Sub

Sub ListWordFiles(Folder As String)
Dim NextFile As String
Dim L As Long
On Error Resume Next
set sh = ActiveSheet
NextFile = Dir(Folder & "\*.CSV")
Do Until NextFile = ""
set bk = workbooks.Open(Folder & "\" & nextFile)
bk.worksheets(1).UsedRange.Copy Destination:= _
bk.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub


Hi Tom -

Thanks for the macro. It worked but only opened two files and pasted them
into Excel. Can you modify the macro so that it opens all of the files and
pastes their text into one cell (one row, not multiple) at a time?



Tom Ogilvy

Sorry, I left out a line. Here is a revision.

Sub Test()
Call ListWordFiles("C:\Biology")
End Sub

Sub ListWordFiles(Folder As String)
Dim NextFile As String
Dim L As Long
On Error Resume Next
set sh = ActiveSheet
NextFile = Dir(Folder & "\*.CSV")
Do Until NextFile = ""
set bk = workbooks.Open(Folder & "\" & nextFile)
bk.worksheets(1).UsedRange.Copy Destination:= _
bk.Close SaveChanges:=False
NextFile = Dir()
End Sub

as far as your other request, I would have to know what the file looks like
and what you want the results to look like. However, If the file is only
one line long, then it should do that already. If it is multiple lines but
a single column wide then possibly this:

Sub Test()
Call ListWordFiles("C:\Biology")
End Sub

Sub ListWordFiles(Folder As String)
Dim NextFile As String
Dim L As Long, rng as Range
On Error Resume Next
set sh = ActiveSheet
NextFile = Dir(Folder & "\*.CSV")
Do Until NextFile = ""
set bk = workbooks.Open(Folder & "\" & nextFile)
with bk.worksheets(1)
set rng = .Range(.Cells(1,1),.Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup))
End With
sh.Cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup)(2).PasteSpecial Transpose:=True
bk.Close SaveChanges:=False
NextFile = Dir()
End Sub

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