Need to return dates that are > that one year ago



I am building a database that will track employee training. I need to know
how to build an expression that will return only those employees who's
training is out of date. Meaning that their training date is more than 365
days old.

I also have to return employees who's license has expired. I enter the date
that their license is renewed and now I need to run a list of all that are
greater than one year from last renewed date.

Marshall Barton

KellyDale said:
I am building a database that will track employee training. I need to know
how to build an expression that will return only those employees who's
training is out of date. Meaning that their training date is more than 365
days old.

I also have to return employees who's license has expired. I enter the date
that their license is renewed and now I need to run a list of all that are
greater than one year from last renewed date.

Use the DateAdd function.

Criteria for traing date field, one year before today's
<DateAdd("yyyy", -1, Date())

Criteria for license last renewed date field:
<DateAdd("yyyy", -1, Date())


I am building a database that will track employee training. I need to know
how to build an expression that will return only those employees who's
training is out of date. Meaning that their training date is more than 365
days old.

I also have to return employees who's license has expired. I enter the date
that their license is renewed and now I need to run a list of all that are
greater than one year from last renewed date.

Look up the DateAdd function in VBA help.
For records more than one year old, as Criteria on your [Training
date] field, write:
< DateAdd("yyyy",-1,Date())


Thank you both!!! Works perfectly and you answered so fast.

fredg said:
I am building a database that will track employee training. I need to know
how to build an expression that will return only those employees who's
training is out of date. Meaning that their training date is more than 365
days old.

I also have to return employees who's license has expired. I enter the date
that their license is renewed and now I need to run a list of all that are
greater than one year from last renewed date.

Look up the DateAdd function in VBA help.
For records more than one year old, as Criteria on your [Training
date] field, write:
< DateAdd("yyyy",-1,Date())

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