need to minimize userform via command button on itself



hi - I'm building a simple data entry user form with a command button
at the bottom of it. When i click on this button, I'd like :

a) the user form to minimize (not hide. see below)
b) go to a specific worksheet in the workbook.

I have the part b) down with the simple Sheets("xxxx").Select command.
no problem there.

but I'm having a difficult time finding information about how to do a).
I tried userform1.hide command but when I try to show the userform
again by creating a button on the worksheet and linking it to, all the information that were entered previously are
all gone so that solution didn't work. if you know how to hide without
having the previously entered data wiped out, that solution would be a
good alternate solution.

I do have the minimize/maximize button all setup from other threads.
but in addition to those, i want this other particular command button
on the user form to trigger the minimizing of itself

Thanks for your help.


Hide doesn't remove the previous data in my experience. You must be doing
something special.

A: unloading instead of hiding

B: showing a different copy of the useform

C: set your links up so they pick up from the activesheet

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