Need to know how to automaticaly customize worksheets in specific



I have this report at the office that is used in Excel. Everything is done
manualy. The excel file has 4 main worksheet and one worksheet for every
single day of the month. It contains daily data in the individual day
worksheets (entered manualy) and the remaining worksheets contain totals from
those worksheet, grand totals and charts to display them.

The problem is that this is manualy changed each month to be specificly for
that month. Therefore, you have the month's name in there and the amount of
cells/worksheets depends on how many days there are in the current month.

I need to know how to create a macro (never done it in any Office products)
that will be manualy executed on the first day of the month to pick up the
date and then customize the whole Excel file (all the worksheets) to be for
that month alone.

I also want to add cell references in the main worksheets to automaticaly
pickup the daily values in the day worksheets (I can do that manual but it is
so long to do).

How can I do it ?
I want to know how, learn how to do such things so I can do other future
customizations on my own, and do it this week too.


Hi Browser,

This is a bit of a big ask. It would a whole book to tell you what you
need to do here and how to do it - in that vein I can recommend the
John Walkenbach, Power Programming in Excel books.

To start you off with the basics I'll give you a few pointers - this
is how I would approach it but there are many ways to skin a cat.

I would recommend you begin by creating an Excel Template (*.XLT) that
contains copies of the 4 main sheets you mention and a single day
sheet containing whatever formatting, headings, formulas etc. all your
day sheets normally contain.

Then in the ThisWorkbook module create a Workbook_Open procedure that
copies the day sheet as many times as necessary for the current month
and put the relevant date type info in the relevant places throughout
the workbook.

The idea being that the Template remains unchanged by the user. Each
month they launch the template once and it creates a separate workbook
to be used for that month.

Now I know that's not giving you a lot to go on but to be honest it
would be a lot quicker and easier to do the job for you than explain
exactly what you need to do. If you genuinely want to learn, get
yourself kitted up with a JW book and have a stab. When you get stuck
post back to a new topic with a question on the specific problem.

HTH - I don't mean to lecture ;)

Br, NickH

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