Need to find full version of IE6 to download




I've had to reformat my hard drive which reverted my PC back to factory
settings. This computer was purchased in 2001 so all my IE and Windows
updates are now gone. My Internet Explorer browser is back to the old
5.50.4134.0600 version.

I spent days backing up files and such but like an idiot, I didn't backup my
browser settings, etc. Have been searching online for 2 days trying to find
the full version of IE6 and can't find it anywhere. Each offered file
download I find is simply the IE6SP1 which is only 480KB in size. Even at
sites that claim it's the full version, when I start the download I find it's
SP1 at 480KB. Can't find it at the Windows site and the Knowledge Base has
been of no help either.

Can anyone direct me to a site where I can get the full version?

Thanks in advance.

PA Bear

Windows version?

1. Have you tried installing IE6 SP1 via Windows Update? Once you get it
installed and have rebooted, check back at Windows Update for additional
patches you need.

2. Order IE6 SP1 on CD (US & CA only)

3. Download IE6 SP1
(You first download the 480KB stub and then use it to download the parts of
IE you want)

4. Also see

Vincenzo Di Russo [MVP]

threeofhardts said:

I've had to reformat my hard drive which reverted my PC back to factory
settings. This computer was purchased in 2001 so all my IE and Windows
updates are now gone. My Internet Explorer browser is back to the old
5.50.4134.0600 version.

I spent days backing up files and such but like an idiot, I didn't backup
my browser settings, etc. Have been searching online for 2 days trying
to find the full version of IE6 and can't find it anywhere. Each offered
file download I find is simply the IE6SP1 which is only 480KB in size.
Even at sites that claim it's the full version, when I start the download
I find it's SP1 at 480KB. Can't find it at the Windows site and the
Knowledge Base has been of no help either.

Can anyone direct me to a site where I can get the full version?

Thanks in advance.

"How to download the complete installation package of IE?"
"Can you download IE6 SP1 in FULL?"
"Visual aid for saving IE setup locally".

Or... Get the CD:


Oops, sorry. I have Windows Me.

No I haven't tried to install IE6 SP1. Since I only have IE 5.5 on the
computer I thought it would cause problems with the present browser.

I will check out the links you posted. Thanks!


I'm downloading the full version of IE6win98me right now. So far it's taken
1 hour and 45 minutes. I don't plan to do any installing tonight.

I do have a couple other questions, if I may. Just so I understand, do you
mean that I have to install IE6SP1 before I install the full version of IE6?

Will I have to find and install all the old updates for version 5.5 before
installing anything to do with IE6 or are they both stand-alone browsers not
dependant on one another?

One more, once IE6 is up and running can I uninstall 5.5?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.

Daniel Crichton

threeofhardts wrote on Wed, 21 Dec 2005 01:56:02 -0800:
I'm downloading the full version of IE6win98me right now. So far it's
taken 1 hour and 45 minutes. I don't plan to do any installing tonight.

I do have a couple other questions, if I may. Just so I understand, do
you mean that I have to install IE6SP1 before I install the full version
of IE6?

No. The IE6 you're downloading has SP1 included.
Will I have to find and install all the old updates for version 5.5 before
installing anything to do with IE6 or are they both stand-alone browsers
not dependant on one another?

IE6 will replace IE5.5 (you can install them side by side if you wish, but I
wouldn't recommend it). You do not need to update 5.5 first.
One more, once IE6 is up and running can I uninstall 5.5?

You won't need to, IE6 will replace IE 5.5 if you choose the correct
installation option.


Alan Edwards

IE6 SP1 is the full version of IE6.

You do not have to install updates for IE5.5 before installing IE6.
(Get critical updates from Windows Update for IE6 after installing)

You don't have to (and cannot) uninstall IE5.5
IE6 will replace it. You will not (and cannot) have both browsers on
one partition.


PA Bear

What Alan and Daniel said.

Tip1: When installing, accept the option to "Save your current
configuration". If you don't, you won't be able to uninstall IE6 and return
to IE5.x.

Tip2: After installing IE6 & rebooting, go to Windows Update (where you
could've downloaded/installed IE6 SP1 in the first place) to install other
Critical and Recommended updates the machine will need.

Tip3: Should you wish to Repair IE6 in future, simply overinstall it using
the files already on the machine:

First, close *everything* via CTRL+ALT+DEL except Windows Explorer (includes
your AV program, Scheduled Tasks, Screensaver, and going offline).
Start>Run>IE6Setup.exe. Select Minimal - Custom; Select all the parts you
use, including OE (but none you didn't originally download) and overinstall.
Should take about 2 minutes. Reboot the computer.

Now, with AV and all other running processes still closed, check in at
Windows Update for additional updates and patches you may need.



No. The IE6 you're downloading has SP1 included.

IE6 will replace IE5.5 (you can install them side by side if you wish, but I
wouldn't recommend it). You do not need to update 5.5 first.

OK - thanks.
You won't need to, IE6 will replace IE 5.5 if you choose the correct
installation option.

That's a BIG "if" - thanks Dan.


Alan Edwards said:
IE6 SP1 is the full version of IE6.

I guess my pea-brain just couldn't comprehend that because the IE6SP1.exe
file is only 480KB where the full version I donwloaded from the site Vincenzo
provided is 29MB.
You do not have to install updates for IE5.5 before installing IE6.

OK - that's a good thing.
(Get critical updates from Windows Update for IE6 after installing)

I will.
You don't have to (and cannot) uninstall IE5.5
IE6 will replace it. You will not (and cannot) have both browsers on
one partition.

So, IE6 will REPLACE IE5.5. Makes sense now. Thanks!


PA Bear said:
What Alan and Daniel said.
Tip1: When installing, accept the option to "Save your current
configuration". If you don't, you won't be able to uninstall IE6 and return
to IE5.x.

Tip2: After installing IE6 & rebooting, go to Windows Update (where you
could've downloaded/installed IE6 SP1 in the first place) to install other
Critical and Recommended updates the machine will need.

I did download IE6SP1 from Windows Update (haven't installed it yet) but I
couldn't understand how such a small file would update IE5.5 to IE6. I
thought the IE6SP1 was a "fix" for the full version of IE6 and that it needed
to be installed after the full version was installed.
Tip3: Should you wish to Repair IE6 in future, simply overinstall it using
the files already on the machine:

First, close *everything* via CTRL+ALT+DEL except Windows Explorer (includes
your AV program, Scheduled Tasks, Screensaver, and going offline).
Start>Run>IE6Setup.exe. Select Minimal - Custom; Select all the parts you
use, including OE (but none you didn't originally download) and overinstall.
Should take about 2 minutes. Reboot the computer.

Will do - thanks for the info.
Now, with AV and all other running processes still closed, check in at
Windows Update for additional updates and patches you may need.

I will do that. Thanks for all your help.

Sid Knee

threeofhardts said:
I guess my pea-brain just couldn't comprehend that because the IE6SP1.exe
file is only 480KB where the full version I donwloaded from the site Vincenzo
provided is 29MB.

that sounds like just the downloader. When you run that, it will
download the rest of the install files (probably close to 30 MB) and run
the installation. If you have a slow connection, you should allow for
the download time when you plan your update.

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