Need to Customize Workbook tabs Context Menu



Can anyone tell me how to access the Workbook tabs context menu?

I thought I had found the right menu name but when I run the following
code I just get the list of tab names when I thought I would get the
list of context menu items...

Sub Macro1()
Dim i As Integer
Dim x As Integer
Application.CommandBars("Workbook tabs").Reset

With Application.CommandBars("Workbook tabs")
i = .Controls.Count
For x = 1 To i
Debug.Print .Controls(x).Caption
End With
End Sub

I need to prevent the user from changing the structure of the workbook
so I'd like to remove/disable this menu completely if possible.

Kind regards,

JE McGimpsey

I've always thought it rather an evocative name - as in layers of wood
(plywood), fabric (bias-ply tires), paper or roofing. Seems appropriate
for the visual metaphor.

Of course "ply" also means to pursue diligently ("ply your trade"),
travel a regular route ("ply the seas") and "to wield vigorously" as in
plying an ax, so pick your image...


Layers, of course, your right it does make sense. I guess I wasn't
apPLYing my brain. Ho ho ha ha, oh my sides.


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