Need to Copy Files (all Subfolders and Files)



Need help tweaking this code:
I understand there's the
Copyfile and Copyfolder function,
who do I integrate that to copy all files and subfolders
from a certain source directory.

Option Explicit

'Copy ALL files (or of a specific file type) in one folder into another folder

Sub CopyFilesFolder2Folder()

'Declare Variables
Dim sfol As String, dfol As String
Dim FrmFolder As String, ToFolder As String
Dim C_Row As String 'Row Counter

'<<Starting Variable Settings>>
C_Row = "2"

'<<---Start Loop-->>>

'Do Until IsEmpty(Cells(C_Row, 2))

FrmFolder = Worksheets("Settings").Cells(C_Row, 2)
'MsgBox FrmFolder
ToFolder = Worksheets("Settings").Cells(C_Row, 3)
'MsgBox ToFolder

sfol = FrmFolder ' change to match the source folder path
dfol = ToFolder ' change to match the destination folder path

Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
On Error Resume Next
If Not FSO.FolderExists(sfol) Then 'Source Folder

MsgBox sfol & " is not a valid folder/path.", vbInformation, "Invalid

ElseIf Not FSO.FolderExists(dfol) Then 'Destination Folder
MkDir (dfol) 'Makes Directory if it Isn't Created.
FSO.CopyFile (sfol & "\*.*"), dfol 'Copies Files

FSO.CopyFile (sfol & "\*.*"), dfol ' Change "\*.*" to "\*.xls" to move
Excel Files only

End If
If Err.Number = 53 Then MsgBox "File not found: " & sfol & " " & dfol

'--Add 1 to Row Counter

'C_Row = C_Row + 1

'<<---End Loop-->>>

End Sub


Also - I don't want to overwrite the whole folder,
just existing files that match my source directories file names.


Try using the sheel command COPY

windir = Environ("windir")
Mycmd = "copy c:\temp\boo*.xls c:\temp\working"
Shell windir & "\system32\cmd.exe" & " " & Mycmd

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