Need to access click event for textbox or good alternative



I'm trying to make an extended textbox control for a scanner enabled
device. I have the textbox enabling the scanner when .gotfocus event
fires and it works well. I'd also like the SIP to appear when the user
clicks on the textbox but not when the .focus method is called.

As far as I can tell, the only events that work are .validation,
..validated, .gotfocus, .lostfocus, and .parentchanged. None of these
tell me if the user tapped the screen.

I've toyed with setting a property indicating whether focus was by code
or by user, but this gives me no way to trap an event if the textbox
already has focus. I'm hiding the taskbar, so the only other
alternative is a launch SIP button. Does anyone have any ideas on how
to hack a click?



A bit catch-22 as the SIP isn't up yet. I decided to launch the SIP
using the click event of the form, which, by the way, launches if you
click anywhere BUT the textbox.


Darren Shaffer

glad it's working - was just trying to make sure you knew
that not all methods that a control may support always show
up via intellisense as you're coding. this is especially true for
click events on forms, pictureboxes etc.

Darren Shaffer
..NET Compact Framework MVP
Principal Architect
Connected Innovation

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