need some code help please


Gary Keramidas

in the following code, i get the name from another sheet. if it's blank, it
just gives me the name, but if there is another name that goes in the same
cell, i put a / between them

how would i put a chr(10) after every 2nd name, so only 2 fit on a line in
each cell.

If .Value = "" Then
.Value = Left(Fname, Len(Fname) - 4)
.Value = .Value & "/" & Left(Fname, Len(Fname) - 4)
End If

Bob Phillips

If .Value = "" Then
.Value = Left(Fname, Len(Fname) - 4)
c = Len(.Value) - Len(Replace(.Value, "\", ""))
If c Mod 2 = 1 Then
.Value = .Value & "/" vbNewline
.Value = .Value & "/"
End If
.Value = .Value & Left(Fname, Len(Fname) - 4)
End If



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

Gary Keramidas

thanks bob, had to make a couple changes, but it seems to work fine.

i was using this, Len(.Value) - Len(Replace(.Value, "/", "")) = 1 , but you
can see i was not using the mod function.

anyway, what i changed was:

1. you had a typo, a backslash instead of a slash in the formula.

2. the vbnewline didn't have the & in front of it and gave me the little
square box in the cell, so i changed it to chr(10)

thanks again.

Bob Phillips

Sorry about that, in my testing I just cut code to test for the number of
slashes, then added the rest in the posting.

Glad you sorted it.



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)

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