Need PapaJohn on hang problem



In MM2 I select capture and then after the window comes
up I try to cancel the program hangs. If I go to the
alt+ctrl+del and try to end mm2 I get the send err message
and it goes back to alt+ctrl+del window, I must force a
hard boot to get out of it....Jerry

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

Hi Jerry,

We need to know what you are trying to capture from - analog source,
digital? firewire? etc.

When you cancel a capture session, MM2 has some cleanup work to do (assuming
it started the capture, which might not be your case) - it's not always good
about telling you what it is doing. What appears to be a hang-up may not be.
It might depend on how quickly you expect it to respond.

When you get the error message, do you send it to Microsoft and check the
info about the error? I'm resolved some pretty hard issues by doing that
each time.


PapaJohn \(MVP\)


All I can offer is the full problem solving section of my website

I was hoping to point you to something more specific, but there's not enough
info to do it.



Thanks PapaJohn.....I appreciat the effort, I will jump
over to your site and see what happens.....Jerry

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