Need Pagefile setting PLEASE!



I have an HP notebook with a 3.2 P$ with hyerthreading technology and
witndows home sets the pagefile at custom, 1536 min, 3072 max and i have
a total of 1.5 gigs of ram. Should i leave these figures or let windows
manage the pagefile? I want the best performance. Your advise would be
greatly appreciated, thank you.


There are many comments and articles on the page or swap file. Do a Google
search and read what you find and make your own decision.


you're kidding right? 1.5Gig of RAM and you're worried about a pagefile. LOL LOL LOL. Just what are you doing. Movie production. Just put a dot in the "system managed" setting and stop worrying about something as trivial as virtual memory. XP does and excellent job of handling memory and I'd kill to have as much RAM as you do. Even with a 64MB Video card and 512MB of RAM my XP HE has only ever used 360MB of Pagefile when running the most graphic intensive games on the market today. Even a 3D app doesn't push it above this mark. You'd be better off worrying about how to boost overall system performance through some excellent registry tweaks or a program like SpeedXP. Although if you use that program or any other don't use the "clear pagefile on shutdown" option. This will only overwrite whatever pagefile you have with zeros causing a long shutdown time. Although I doubt you'll use much virtual memory. {:~)

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