need immediate help with forms coding - will pay



I need to find someone who has skills to code a form that contains date text
boxes to change the date range of a recordset for a subform - will pay
US$15/hr. I have paypal account to pay you.
I may also need other help on this project. Estimate between 4-8hrs work
required. Need someone who can work on it now.
email (e-mail address removed)
and remove "XX-NO__SPAMXX"

John Vinson

I need to find someone who has skills to code a form that contains date text
boxes to change the date range of a recordset for a subform - will pay
US$15/hr. I have paypal account to pay you.

Well, my consulting rate is considerably higher than that... but how
about getting the answer for free?

Use a form with two textboxes, txtFrom and txtTo. These should have
*nothing* in the Control Source property; they're unbound textboxes.

Base the Subform on a query with a criterion

BETWEEN CDate(NZ[Forms]![yourform]![txtFrom],#1/1/100#)) AND

Requery the subform in the AfterUpdate event of each textbox:

Private Sub txtFrom_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

John W. Vinson[MVP]
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