need helpw ith win2k machine



hey guys i have a win2k machine 1.7 AMD athlon i bought it
sometime spring last year... 512mb ram, 32mb nvidia card
40gb hd... i bought about 4 machines and so far one of
them is giving me an error when it boots up... this
started last week...

tried the repair utility but it said it was unable to
repair it... then it started booting up just fine... ran a
scan disk defrag and everything was cool... today same

i get these error messages after Loading Win2k screen

driver load failure


now i noticed that it's a bunch of files... because it's
not the same file twice... i'm kind of lost... couldn't
even boot in safe mode


Tried that already... told me couldn't repair it. but
once i got out of it... it started booting up fine

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