need help



i downloaded an image off limewire and the file does not work, and it wont
delete or move to a folder. how can i get this image off my computer

Will Denny


Delete Limewire. Downloading files via P2P programs can cause your system
more harm than good - as you've just found out.


Will Denny
MS MVP Windows Shell/User
Please reply to the News Groups


In kobra10 had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
i downloaded an image off limewire and the file does not work, and it
wont delete or move to a folder. how can i get this image off my

Try this:


Galen - MS MVP - Windows (Shell/User & IE)

"We approached the case, you remember, with an absolutely blank mind,
which is always an advantage. We had formed no theories. We were simply
there to observe and to draw inferences from our observations." -
Sherlock Holmes


i downloaded that move on boot but i cant get the image file to transfer on
to the program to delete it, it wont click and drag and typing in file name
wont work either


i downloaded an image off limewire and the file does not work, and it wont
delete or move to a folder. how can i get this image off my computer

have you tried booting into safe mode and deleting fropm there?


Turn your computer on,
As soon as the CMOS screen go's away (just before the Windows XP screen
shows) hit the F8 Key, Safe Mode will be one of the options.

brand dub

there could be an easier way, right click the file and click properties
click on advanced button. disable "file is ready for achiving" and "fo
fast searching allow indexing service..." and check "compress content
to save space" [the last one can be done with winzip to]. click OK an
try to move it. if it wont work do the same as above and try t
compress it again. it should move this time.
TIP: when deleting any unwanted files or bad files like this, hold th
shift key when pressing 'delete'. this removes the file from th
computer instantly surpassing the recycle bin [where the file or viru
can still operate]

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