Need help writing a query to pull data with six zeros on the end



I have a large data set of nunbers of varying length (between 6 and 20
digits). I would like to pull all of the numbers that end in 6 zeros,
regardless of the length of the number.

Todd Shillam

Create a custom expression:

Custom: Right([FieldName],6)
Criteria: "000000"

1. Open your query in design view.
2. Go to the end (find a blank field).
3. In the Field block, enter the expression above (change field name).
4. In the Criteria block below, enter the criteria listed above (include the

That should do the trick.

Best regards,

Todd Shillam

Tom Lake

Todd Shillam said:
Create a custom expression:

Custom: Right([FieldName],6)
Criteria: "000000"

Or put the following in the Criteria row of the FieldName column:

Like "*000000"

Tom Lake

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