need help with - time values...



Can anyone help me with this problem?

I am making a table that will calculate hrs worked. Column B has the
hr started. Column C has the end time. Note - the start time can be
in the evening and the end time can be in the am of the next day -
giving me a negetive number.

I would need the easiest way to find the time difference between the
two. This would be my column D. I would then need to add these two
columns up to figure the total number hrs worked...

Thanks! :)


and use the time format h:mm to display

For totalling, use:
assuming 10 rows of data, and format as dd:hh:mm because more than 24
hours will display the residual part in the format hh:mm. Example 27:00
will display 03:00. So changing to dd:hh:mm will display 1:03:00
correctly. If you want the display to show 27, then use:
and format as general


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