Need help with simple formula please



Hello group,
I am new to Excel so please excuse my ignorance.

I have a workbook that I am trying to make mathematical functions in a
cell(if i said that correct)Anyway. This is what I have, and this is what I
want to do.
Vacation time earned 20.5 Days
Vacation Time Taken 2.5 Days
Vacation Time Remaining. 17.5 Days
(Employees can only take half or hole days, not hours)
I want the time taken field to keep a running total of time taken for 1
callander year
and subtract it from Vacation Time Earned and display it in the Vacation
time remaining cell. When I do this I use the simple =E8-E7 this is in the
Time remaining field. this does give me the correct total for a one time
entry, but not it I take more time off on a different date.

E7 = Vacation Time Earned
E8 = Vacation Time Taken
E9 = Vacation Time Remaining

When I enter more time off in to cell E8 it removes the previous time
entered and subtracts it from E7 and the total is not correct.

I hope this this doesn't sound stupid, but I kinda don't knowwhat I am doing.
So any help would be great.

God Bless

what excatly do u put in E7 ? is it 140:00:00 or 20.5 or...
1 day is how many time/min ?

"PuJo" skrev:
Hello group,
I am new to Excel so please excuse my ignorance.

I have a workbook that I am trying to make mathematical functions in a
cell(if i said that correct)Anyway. This is what I have, and this is what I
want to do.
Vacation time earned 20.5 Days
Vacation Time Taken 2.5 Days
Vacation Time Remaining. 17.5 Days
(Employees can only take half or hole days, not hours)
I want the time taken field to keep a running total of time taken for 1
callander year
and subtract it from Vacation Time Earned and display it in the Vacation
time remaining cell. When I do this I use the simple =E8-E7 this is in the
Time remaining field. this does give me the correct total for a one time
entry, but not it I take more time off on a different date.

E7 = Vacation Time Earned
E8 = Vacation Time Taken
E9 = Vacation Time Remaining

When I enter more time off in to cell E8 it removes the previous time
entered and subtracts it from E7 and the total is not correct.

I hope this this doesn't sound stupid, but I kinda don't knowwhat I am doing.
So any help would be great.

God Bless

Employe's are only able to use a half of a day, or a full day.
So in E7 it is listed as 1 for one day, or 2.50 for two and a half days.
No hours minutes or seconds are usen in this, just half or hole numbers.
Thanks for the respopnse
God Bless.

excelent said:
what excatly do u put in E7 ? is it 140:00:00 or 20.5 or...
1 day is how many time/min ?

"PuJo" skrev:
time remaining cell. When I do this I use the simple =E8-E7 this is in the
Time remaining field. this does give me the correct total for a one time
entry, but not it I take more time off on a different date.

E7 = Vacation Time Earned
E8 = Vacation Time Taken
E9 = Vacation Time Remaining

When I enter more time off in to cell E8 it removes the previous time
entered and subtracts it from E7 and the total is not correct.

I hope this this doesn't sound stupid, but I kinda don't knowwhat I am doing.
So any help would be great.

God Bless



In E7 enter 20.5
In E8 enter =Sum(A1:20)
In E9 enter =(E7-E8)

Whenever anyone takes a day (or 1/2 day off) put a .5 or a 1 in Column A and
you will end up with E8 showing the amount taken and E9 showing the balance.



Mike's solution is probably the best way to go: keep track of individual
periods taken off somewhere else and total that up in E8.

Another way, which would seem a little clumsy, would be to keep modifying
the formula in E8 each time someone took some time off:

Starting with some value in E8 the first time they took time
then as they take time, adding that time directly in the cell formula:

Keeping track of it the way Mike recommended is better from a couple of
standpoints: the individual list gives you more visibility as to how much was
taken each time (and with a date next to it, you could even say when it was
taken). Plus it is less maintenance intensive and more user friendly.


Vacation time earned 20.5 Days
Vacation Time Taken 2.5 Days
Vacation Time Remaining. 17.5 Days

Surely Vacation Time Remaining should be 18 Days or is there
something else going on here that you haven't covered.



I entered the formula like posted below, and I get an error (#Value!)
So this is not working for me. I am using Excel 2003, if that helps.
I also had an error about a circular something.
Please help if you can.

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