Need help with sending HTTP strings from Access VBA.


Charles Wilson

Can someone point me to some good instructions on using the
WinInet.dll functions from VBA?

I need to interact with a MySQL database via HTTP strings.
We already have the database set up and a PHP script that can receive
commands via HTTP. The script receives the HTTP commands and performs
the database actions, then responds with XML.

This system already works when I test it from IE. I simply send it an
HTTP string similar to this: * FROM tblAdvisories WHERE contact_id = 12

The PHP script executes the query and sends back the results in XML. I
just need to know how to set up the VBA code to send the requests. I
think I must use WinInet functions to do this. Am I correct, or is
there a simpler way to do it, perhaps using ADO?

More info is available if needed.

'69 Camaro

Hello, Lauren Wilson.

This question has already been answered in another Access newsgroup. Please
don't multipost the same question in three different newsgroups, especially
under different names, as the experts who answer questions are likely to get
angry when they find out you wasted their time because your question has
already been answered in another newsgroup. Please see the following Web

Last time you were posting a similar question as Cheryl Langdon, who was
supposedly being helped out of a desperate family crisis, the application
was for a charity to tutor disadvantaged youth, yada, yada, yada. So who
are Charles and Janet supposed to be? Cousins from Georgia on their way to
Hollywood to get a job in the movies but need gas money to get there, so
they're both working on your software application for you to pay you back
the money you've loaned them?

You're passing the User ID and password as parameters in the URL to a
script? Do you realize what a security risk this is?
Am I correct, or is
there a simpler way to do it, perhaps using ADO?

Have you considered the Web Browser Active-X control?


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