Need Help with Replace Function




not sure how to explain this, but i will do my best. i'm having
difficulty with 2 things: where to place a particular function, and how
to make it work.

i have a worksheet with 5 colums (a to e), and 58 rows (4 to 56). i am
trying to affect column "e" by replacing a specific part of the text
within the cell, with the text in cell "a", in a ascending order
(replace e3 with a3, e4 with a4, and so on)

the text in cell e starts at position 43 (inlcuding all spaces and
characters), and is 7 characters long (which is the same amount of
characters in cell a)

the function i have is:


where do i place this function for this work (ie, which cell), and is
this function correct ?

this is work related, so i cannot display the extact information, but
do need some help asap, as this work is to be completed by tomorrow at
the latest, and i have 88 worksheets to apply this to.

any help would be appreciated.





your example worked, and it's exactly what i did, but it's not doing it
for me. i will try to reinstall office on my system, as i fear since i
was able to replacate successfuly at home, as you did as well, but not
at my office, thus there might be a problem with my office/excel.

thank you for your assistance.


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