Need help with ras



I have a network of My company
is growing a a rapid pace and now i am out of ip
addresses. So the solution that i came to was i am goin
to create another range of so i can
have a whole lot of ip's. Now to do this i set up and ras
server on one of my pc's. I have two network cards in
this server one that is And the other, which is also the default gateway address for
the new scope. I setup dns and dhcp for this machine. I
set up the routing and remote access with these two
ranges and it still doesnt work if anyone has any ideas
of what i should do they would be greatly appreciated.

Stuart Sierer [MSFT]

When you
Right click on the machine in the RRAS MMC and choose 'properties'
and then click on the tab labeled 'IP' does it have the adaptor that is on
the 10.10 selected?
If not, it should. Also, are you having the RAS Server pull down those IP's
or are you assigning via static address pool? FYI, if the adaptor chosen is
'Allow RAS to select adaptor', and the RAS Server is getting those IP's via
DHCP, the RAS Service will pull down 10 IP's when it starts. If you have
more than one RAS server, that may be where your 192 IP's are going.

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