Need help with N-Tier construction (Business layer)



Hello, and thanks for listening.

I have a Stored Procedure as follows:
PROCEDURE [PaoloPignatelli].[GetOneStoreByUserName3]

-- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here

@UserName Nvarchar (50)



FROM dbo.Stores

WHERE (StoreOwnerUserName = @UserName)

This works in SQL Server 2005; I input a UserName, and get a StoreID.
In my Website, using the wizard, I created an
XSD file called OneStoreByUserName, and on it a
TableAdapter called GetOneStoreByUserName3DataTableTableAdapter, and a
GetMethodName of
(it appears as GetMethodName of GetStoreIDByUserName(@UserName,@StoreID) )

When I see if things work so far, they do, I Preview Data, enter a value,
and receive the correct StoreID.

Now comes my question.
How do I write a class (a business layer) that will allow me to access this
I added a Class File to the App_Code folder and called it Stores.vb.
I tried:
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic

Imports System

Imports System.Data

Public Class Stores

Public Function GetStoreID(ByVal UserName As String) As DataTable

Dim StoreDB As New

Return StoreDB.GetStoreIDByUserName(UserName)

End Function

End Class


No errors on page .... (but I know that means little...)

Then on the aspx.vb page where I wish to consume the class I have


Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles Me.Load

Dim UserName As String = "Paolo1"

Dim myStore As New Stores

Label1.Text = myStore.GetStoreID(UserName).ToString()

End Sub


I get no errors, but when I view in browser, I also get in the label the


and not the integer I was hoping for...

How do I get the label to spit out the integer I need? Any and all help is



bruce barker \(\)

in your line:

Label1.Text = myStore.GetStoreID(UserName).ToString()

note that GetStoreID returns a DataTable instance, not a string value. the
ToString function of DataTable return the class name. you proably want to
access a row and column in the datatable.

-- bruce (

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