Need help with compiling warnings that might cause memory error



Hi I'm using vs2005. I am getting a bunch of compiler warnings after I made
some changes to my code that was compiling clean. I'm also getting memory
errors when I run my program and it's pinvoking some C++ code, which was
working also fine before. I wonder if these warning are causing the problem.
I would appreciate some help or suggestions on how to correct these. Thanks.

Warning 37 At least one of the arguments for
'IADsExtension.PrivateGetIDsOfNames' cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may
require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 39 At least one of the arguments for
'IDirectoryObject.GetObjectAttributes' cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may
require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 38 At least one of the arguments for
'IDirectoryObject.GetObjectInformation' cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may
require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 40 At least one of the arguments for
'IDirectorySchemaMgmt.EnumAttributes' cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may
require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 41 At least one of the arguments for
'IDirectorySchemaMgmt.EnumClasses' cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may
require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 47 At least one of the arguments for 'IGetAppData.GetAppData' cannot
be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be
passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 46 At least one of the arguments for 'IGetAppData.GetApps' cannot be
marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed
as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 48 At least one of the arguments for 'IGetAppData.GetCLSIDData'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 27 At least one of the arguments for
'IPrivateDispatch.ADSIGetIDsOfNames' cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may
require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 32 At least one of the arguments for 'ITypeComp.RemoteBind' cannot
be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be
passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 29 At least one of the arguments for 'ITypeInfo.RemoteGetFuncDesc'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 28 At least one of the arguments for 'ITypeInfo.RemoteGetTypeAttr'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 30 At least one of the arguments for 'ITypeInfo.RemoteGetVarDesc'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 36 At least one of the arguments for 'ITypeLib.RemoteGetLibAttr'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 44 At least one of the arguments for 'TrackerServer.GetAppData'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 43 At least one of the arguments for 'TrackerServer.GetApps' cannot
be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be
passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Warning 45 At least one of the arguments for 'TrackerServer.GetCLSIDData'
cannot be marshaled by the runtime marshaler. Such arguments will therefore
be passed as a pointer and may require unsafe code to manipulate.
Error 49 Invalid token '=' in class, struct, or interface member
declaration C:\Projects\UnityAdmin\Main.cs 150
Warning 2 The private field
'UnityAdmin.FormMain.ERROR_OBJECT_ALREADY_EXISTS' is assigned but its value
is never used C:\Projects\UnityAdmin\Main.cs 149
Warning 3 The private field 'UnityAdmin.frmConnectToDomain.domControllers'
is never used C:\Projects\UnityAdmin\ConnectToDomain.cs 17
Warning 5 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0002.lpValue'.
Warning 7 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0003.lpValue'.
Warning 9 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0004.lpValue'.
Warning 14 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0011.Address'.
Warning 16 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0012.ReplicaAddressHints'.
Warning 18 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0013.Parameters'.
Warning 20 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '__MIDL___MIDL_itf_ads_0000_0015.lpBinaryValue'.
Warning 21 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ads_attr_info.pADsValues'.
Warning 10 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
Warning 23 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ads_class_def.ppszMandatoryAttrs'.
Warning 25 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ads_class_def.ppszNamingAttrs'.
Warning 24 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ads_class_def.ppszOptionalAttrs'.
Warning 26 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ads_class_def.ppszSuperClasses'.
Warning 12 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ADS_OCTET_LIST.Data'.
Warning 11 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member '_ADS_OCTET_LIST.Next'.
Warning 19 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ADS_DN_WITH_BINARY.lpBinaryValue'.
Warning 17 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ADS_FAXNUMBER.Parameters'.
Warning 13 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ADS_NETADDRESS.Address'.
Warning 6 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
Warning 4 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ADS_OCTET_STRING.lpValue'.
Warning 8 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ADS_PROV_SPECIFIC.lpValue'.
Warning 15 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ADS_REPLICAPOINTER.ReplicaAddressHints'.
Warning 22 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'ads_search_column.pADsValues'.
Warning 31 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'tagARRAYDESC.rgbounds'.
Warning 42 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'tagBLOB.pBlobData'.
Warning 34 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'tagFUNCDESC.lprgelemdescParam'.
Warning 33 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'tagFUNCDESC.lprgscode'.
Warning 35 The type library importer could not convert the signature for the
member 'tagPARAMDESC.pparamdescex'.

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