Need help with calendars...Please!




I am in need of a worksheet that will display all the days in a month
in one column based on the values selected in two drop down boxes.
These two drop down boxes will be obviously the month and the year. The
reason why I can't just use the normal VB calendar plug-in is because
even using a date in one cell I end up with the months that have either
more then 28 days or 31 days in it so its not a matter of having a date
in cell A1 and having 29 more cells underneath of it with the value of
=SUM(A1+1) because if it is February the first few days of March would
be displayed. I need the spreadsheet to just display only the days that
are in a month and not display the date in the next month. I need the
drop down boxes to work with displaying only the days in a particular
month and the ability to not show dates in the next month...

1.) Drop down boxes to allow the end user to select a month and year (I
can do this part).
2.) All the dates in one column (this I cant figure out)
3.) Only showing dates in the month selected from the drop down boxes

Any help is much appreciated!!! Thanks!


Here's one way with a cell formula. Assuming you have the suitable named
ranges, rngYear & rngMonth, and adjust the ROW()-1 depending on you data
layout, fill down down 31 cells :


Note: DATE(rngYear,rngMonth+1,0) get the date of the last of the month.



NickHK it seems you know what I am looking to do but I can't figure out
the santax of your code... I have provided an example...please take a
look and let me know if you can figure it out. If you do figure it out
how to do this I would be very grateful and if you could...please
e-mail it to my e-mail address <[email protected]>. Thanks so much
man! The web address to the workbook is here...

I tried to make it as less complicated as possiable. The example isn't
the working model but if you can get it to work using what I have
provided I should be able to figure out your logic...I've been
scratching my head over this one for alittle over a week now...who knew
end-users would be so damn picky? Much appreciated!


OK, just name your cell for the year as "rngYear" and the cell that holds
the month number as "rngMonth" and the formula will work.
It will work for leap years also.


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