Need help with Audio!



Hello I recently bought one of those systems they sell at frys the
GQ6094 it came with
everything installed sort of like a Dell. Well when I got it, it came
with integrated audio and video, but when I tried viewing any media
file nothing would happen meaning no video/audio so my old roomate who
is a IT guy went into the BIOS turned everything on and then it worked,
but the audio was unable to be controlled thru windows XP so there was
no way I can control volume from the SOUNDS AND AUDIO DEVICE PROPERTIES
and when I check the sound playback it just says modem#0 line playback.
And so I thought if I buy a sound card everything well be all good, but
nope same thing and I thought maybe I should try to fix it myself by
removing the soundcard with out removing from my system first to see
what happens and now I have no sound. What should I do from here? I
already re-installed the sound drivers, but still no sound? What else
do I need to do having a comp with no audio sucks. Please help I would
greatly appreciated . Thank You


did you check to see if the speakers require batteries, have an on/off switch
or require ac adaptor.....most if not all external speakers cannot be powered
by windows.....


Also, did you check your setup cd that came with your pc? usually, it will
contain the specific audio and device drivers of your system. but you can
probably download them from your pc's mfg site.... you can also download
those drivers for the sound card from it website too

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