need help with a simple time formula



I am trying to divide a days pay by hours worked to give a wage per hour

ex. A1 $200.00 (days pay)
A2 4:00 (Hours worked)
A3 $50 ( I thought this should be =A1/A2)

My problem is A2 is a calculated field and I am getting weird results like
1200. What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for your help.

Gary Brown

5 pm - 1 pm = .1667 of a day
200 / .1667 = 1200

(5 pm - 1 pm) *24 hours = 4 hours
200 / 4 = $50/hr

Gary Brown


I suspect that your Hours Worked is really an Excel time value that is
formatted to look like 4 hours. When you divide 200 by 1200 you get
0.166666, which is the decimal equivalent of 4 hours/24 hours in a day.

To get what you are looking for use the a formula that does this:
$200/(Hours Worked x 24):

Does that help?


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