Need help with a formular ?


Buzz Local#30

I am wanting to get excel to keep track of my gross earnings through out the
I have my pages set up but I can not find a formular that will retain
previous amounts and add new amounts to it like a year to date thing but I
work out of all states and want to seporate the gross earnings into the
states that I earned them in

Bob Phillips

Have you tried SUMIF? If not, what have you tried?



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Buzz Local#30

Ok so far I the responce for my problem has been use the sumif formular
which I have tried and it worked somewhat, but, not completely so I have
up with this senario to try and help better explain what I am trying to do
if some one can help with this example I have compiled below would be great?
I am sorry if I am confusing everyone but there just seams like there is
away with acomplishing this problem I have?

I worked in Virginia and say I earned $10,000.00 gross income for the months
jan thru march I left VA and went to work in Alabama I earned $3,000.00
gross income for the months apr thru may I then left AL and went back to
virginia and work another month which I earned another $5,000.00
Heres what I get with my formular when I enter in the info like I wrote it
each I entered in the amounts that I earned in VA first it totaled up
correct then when I started to enter in the amounts for AL the info for VA
returned $0.00 and the info for AL worked correctly I need for the info I
entered for the first time I worked in VA to stay there and the second time
I worked in VA to be added to the first time in the way it was added the
first time on a weekly basis.
This might have confused every one for bit but I am trying to make as simple
as possible to understand I know there has to be a way I just need help to
figure it out from the more experienced?

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