Need help with a formula



I am having trouble with a subtraction formula, Hoping someone can help.
A2 is -200
B2 is 100
C2 needs the formula
What I have is =A2-B2*sign(A2) which works until A2 is 0, then it doesn't
subtract the cells, C2 becomes 0
Can anyone help with this formula.

Ron Rosenfeld

I am having trouble with a subtraction formula, Hoping someone can help.
A2 is -200
B2 is 100
C2 needs the formula
What I have is =A2-B2*sign(A2) which works until A2 is 0, then it doesn't
subtract the cells, C2 becomes 0
Can anyone help with this formula.

What are you trying to accomplish with this formula?

Perhaps if you give examples of the various contents of A2 and B2 and tell us
what you want to see as a result in C2?

-200 100 ?
-150 100 ?
-100 100 ?
-50 100 ?
0 100 ?
50 100 ?
100 100 ?
150 100 ?
200 100 ?



=A2-IF(A2<0,-B2,B2) or

Pat;501133 said:
I am having trouble with a subtraction formula, Hoping someone can
A2 is -200
B2 is 100
C2 needs the formula
What I have is =A2-B2*sign(A2) which works until A2 is 0, then it
subtract the cells, C2 becomes 0
Can anyone help with this formula.


or using your equation

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