Need help with a Batch Query


Joe Cilinceon

I'm trying to decide if I want to use a query(s) or DSUM & DCount to give me
the total amount of due for a tenant with more than 1 unit. All I will need
the totals and number of units for a form for Batch Payments of multiple

LedgerID (Basically an Account Number based on a combination of CustNo &


Vincent Johns

I kind of assumed that some amount of money would also be specified in
[LEASES], so I added a [Rent] field. Suppose [LEASES] looks something
like this:

LedgerID CustNo UnitNo Rent
----------- ------ ------ ----
-2117571180 Jim 85 $100.00
1672362757 Sue 13 $200.00
1994841570 Jim 33 $150.00

Then you could define a Query like this:

[qryBalanceDue] SQL:
Sum(LEASES.Rent) AS Total,
Count(LEASES.UnitNo) AS [Number of Units]

.... which would display total rent due, along with number of units per

[qryBalanceDue] Query Datasheet View:

CustNo Total Number of Units
------ ------- ---------------
Jim $250.00 2
Sue $200.00 1

If, as you suggested, you want totals based on [LedgerID], then I didn't
understand how it's organized -- you'd just get the individual [Rent]
amounts, since I think the [LedgerID] values would be unique in the Table.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

Joe Cilinceon

Vincent Johns wrote:

Thanks for the response Vincent and I got it with the following 2 query
working. Once I thought about this I realized , I didn't need the LedgerID
until I post the payment.

SELECT TENANTS.CustNo, Count(qryBalanceDue.Unit) AS CountOfUnit,
Sum(qryBalanceDue.RentOwed) AS SumOfRentOwed, Sum(qryBalanceDue.LateFee1) AS
SumOfLateFee1, Sum(qryBalanceDue.LateFee2) AS SumOfLateFee2,
Sum(qryBalanceDue.LateFee3) AS SumOfLateFee3, Sum(qryBalanceDue.LCFee) AS
SumOfLCFee, Sum(qryBalanceDue.ActFee) AS SumOfActFee
HAVING (((Count(qryBalanceDue.Unit))>1));

SELECT qryBatchPay1.CustNo, TENANTS.AccountName, qryBatchPay1.CountOfUnit,
qryBatchPay1.SumOfRentOwed, qryBatchPay1.SumOfLateFee1,
qryBatchPay1.SumOfLateFee2, qryBatchPay1.SumOfLateFee3,
qryBatchPay1.SumOfLCFee, qryBatchPay1.SumOfActFee, TENANTS.NSFFee,
Nz([SumOfLateFee1],0)+Nz([SumOfLateFee2],0)+Nz([SumOfLateFee3],0) AS
FROM qryBatchPay1 INNER JOIN TENANTS ON qryBatchPay1.CustNo =

What I'm going for is a method of posting several single payments (unique
transaction each unit) at one time. The rules are fairly simple though in
that I will accept exact payments. My next problem will be how to post them
and I was thinking of using some kind of loop similar to below.

If amountowed = amountpaid then
For x = 1 to CountOfUnit
Sql to append to the transaction table here.
next x

Vincent Johns

Joe said:
Vincent Johns wrote:

Thanks for the response Vincent and I got it with the following 2 query
working. Once I thought about this I realized , I didn't need the LedgerID
until I post the payment.

The revised [qryBalanceDue] Query included many fields that had no
definitions, so I assigned them arbitrary values. I didn't get very
good results, as you can see; perhaps you could post the sources of some
of these, maybe with simple examples.

For example, I placed the following values into the Tables:

LedgerID CustNo UnitNo Rent
----------- ------ ------ -------
-2117571180 Jim1 85 $100.00
1178140311 Sue2 20 $200.00
1994841570 Jim1 33 $150.00

Payments_ID1 CustNo amountpaid
------------ ------ ----------
785972755 Jim1 $50.00

The [Transactions] Table is initially empty; we expect to fill it later
via Update Queries (after the other Queries are debugged). For now, the
fields have the following names:

Transactions_ID amountpaid CustNo
--------------- ---------- ------

In the [TENANTS] Table, I assumed that [CustNo] was unique (I made it
the primary key in this Table), but that resulted in [qryBatchPay1]'s
producing no records at all, and therefore [qryBatchPay2] produced no
records. Do you really maintain multiple accounts for each customer??

CustNo AccountName NSFFee Credits UnPaidDue
------ ----------- ------ ------- ---------
Jim1 Jim $10.00 $0.00 $5.00
Sue2 Sue $0.00 $50.00 $0.00

SELECT [LEASES].[CustNo], 2 AS Unit,
69 AS RentOwed, 11 AS LateFee1, 12 AS LateFee2,
14 AS LateFee3, 18 AS LCFee, 26 AS ActFee,
Sum([LEASES].[Rent]) AS Total,
Count([LEASES].[UnitNo]) AS [Number of Units]

CustNo Unit RentOwed LateFee1 LateFee2 LateFee3
Jim1 2 $69.00 $11.00 $12.00 $14.00
Sue2 2 $69.00 $11.00 $12.00 $14.00

LCFee ActFee Total Number of Units
$18.00 $26.00 $250.00 2
$18.00 $26.00 $200.00 1

With these definitions, and since I assumed there was only one account
per customer, the value of [qryBatchPay1].[CountOfUnit] is always 1, and
therefore it will never produce any output.
SELECT TENANTS.CustNo, Count(qryBalanceDue.Unit) AS CountOfUnit,
Sum(qryBalanceDue.RentOwed) AS SumOfRentOwed, Sum(qryBalanceDue.LateFee1) AS
SumOfLateFee1, Sum(qryBalanceDue.LateFee2) AS SumOfLateFee2,
Sum(qryBalanceDue.LateFee3) AS SumOfLateFee3, Sum(qryBalanceDue.LCFee) AS
SumOfLCFee, Sum(qryBalanceDue.ActFee) AS SumOfActFee
HAVING (((Count(qryBalanceDue.Unit))>1));

SELECT qryBatchPay1.CustNo, TENANTS.AccountName, qryBatchPay1.CountOfUnit,
qryBatchPay1.SumOfRentOwed, qryBatchPay1.SumOfLateFee1,
qryBatchPay1.SumOfLateFee2, qryBatchPay1.SumOfLateFee3,
qryBatchPay1.SumOfLCFee, qryBatchPay1.SumOfActFee, TENANTS.NSFFee,
Nz([SumOfLateFee1],0)+Nz([SumOfLateFee2],0)+Nz([SumOfLateFee3],0) AS
FROM qryBatchPay1 INNER JOIN TENANTS ON qryBatchPay1.CustNo =

What I'm going for is a method of posting several single payments (unique
transaction each unit) at one time. The rules are fairly simple though in
that I will accept exact payments. My next problem will be how to post them
and I was thinking of using some kind of loop similar to below.

If amountowed = amountpaid then
For x = 1 to CountOfUnit
Sql to append to the transaction table here.
next x

Trying to tease apart some of what you said, I'm guessing that there are
several types of fees, charges, credits, &c., that may be applied to a
customer's account. Is this true? For example, is [TENANTS].[NSFFee] a
charge for returned checks? Is [LateFee2] derived from a hidden field
in the [TENANTS] Table or elsewhere?

At any rate, piling a bunch of similarly-structured fields (i.e.,
various fees) into a single record in a Table (in this case, into
[TENANTS] and perhaps somewhere else not mentioned) makes data analysis
difficult. (They are akin to a data structure called "repeated groups";
see .)

So instead of this:

CustNo AccountName NSFFee Credits UnPaidDue
------ ----------- ------ ------- ---------
Jim1 Jim $10.00 $0.00 $5.00
Sue2 Sue $0.00 $50.00 $0.00

I suggest restructuring it as two Tables:

CustNo AccountName
------ -----------
Jim1 Jim
Sue2 Sue

CustNo Type Amount TenantAmtsID
------ --------- ------ ------------
Jim1 NSFFee $10.00 -211282758
Jim1 UnPaidDue $5.00 314159265
Sue2 Credits $50.00 271828182

Now, I assume that some of these [Amount] values should be negative
numbers, but for simplicity I left them all positive in my examples. If
you have better examples, you might post them for analysis.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

Joe Cilinceon

Thanks Vincent. Below is a layout of the important stuff (I'll leave out
none needed fields as this program has really grown in size and shape)

AccountName (name on the account for example Company Name or LastName,
rest of the typical customer/tenant type data not used for any of this.

UNITS (stores all storage units with each unit having a unique number)
UnitNo ( is a 3 digit number as we only have 455 units)
Type (links to another table not used here but covers size, AC / Non AC,
Parking etc
Rate (Montly rental rate)

LEASES ( ties the Tenant and Unit together)
LedgerID (a unique text fields made up of the CustNo & UnitNo & Date of
Rental in the yyyymmdd format. So CustNo 150 in unit 100 renting
11/1/05 would look like "15010020001101"
CustNo ties to Tenant table
UnitNo ties to Units
StartDate (date moved in or signed the lease)
EndDate (Is Null unless vacated and then not used)
Now comes the fun stuff

LEDGER (This is the main start of the money trail)
Transaction (every time a payment is posted it gets a unique auto number)
LedgerID (Ties this to a CustNo/UnitNo combo)
PaymentDate (Date of posted payment)
RentRate (if rent is paid it holds the current rate as price can change. I
will want to know how much was paid at this date)
PaidFrom (Now this and PaidThru are only used when a unit is being paid and
are the only ones used in the qryBalanceDue

PAYMENTS (Not used but might help understand)
Tracking (for check # etc)
RevDate (used when a check bounces or a payment is reversed)

ExplainID ' Used lookup explanation table

QUERY starts here with 2 queries
qryCURRENT (SQL below)

SELECT LEASES.LedgerID, LEASES.EndDate, Units.Status,
Max(Ledger.PaymentDate) AS MaxOfPaymentDate, Max(Ledger.PaidFrom) AS
MaxOfPaidFrom, Max(Ledger.PaidThru) AS MaxOfPaidThru
JOIN Units ON LEASES.Unit = Units.Unit
GROUP BY LEASES.LedgerID, LEASES.EndDate, Units.Status
HAVING (((LEASES.EndDate) Is Null) AND ((Units.Status)=1)); ' Units.Status
woud be rented

SELECT qryCurrent.LedgerID, LEASES.Unit, LEASES.CustNo,
qryCurrent.MaxOfPaymentDate, qryCurrent.MaxOfPaidFrom,
qryCurrent.MaxOfPaidThru, LEASES.Rate, TENANTS.NSFFee, TENANTS.Credits,
TENANTS.UnPaidDue, DOMth([MaxOfPaidThru],3) AS NewPaidFrom,
IIf([NewPaidFrom]>Date(),domth([NewPaidFrom],2),domth(Date(),2)) AS
NewPaidThru, RentDue([NewPaidFrom],[NewPaidThru],[Rate]) AS RentOwed,
IIf(GetsFee1([MaxOfPaidThru])=True,18) AS LateFee1,
IIf(GetsFee2([MaxOfPaidThru])=True,18) AS LateFee2,
IIf(GetsFee3([MaxOfPaidThru])=True,18) AS LateFee3,
DateDiff("d",[MaxOfPaidThru],Date()) AS Days, LEASES.InLien,
IIf([InLien]=True,25) AS LCFee, IIf([InLien]=True,60) AS ActFee,
AS TotalFeesOwed, [RentOwed]+[TotalFeesOwed] AS TotalDue,
DateDiff("m",[MaxOfPaidThru],Date()) AS Months, LEASES.FreeMonth,
IIf([MaxOfPaidThru]<Date(),0,Round(ProrateOut(Date(),[Rate]),2))+[Refund] AS
AS Refund,
AS BalanceDue
FROM (qryCurrent INNER JOIN LEASES ON qryCurrent.LedgerID = LEASES.LedgerID)

You will also see a few functions such as ProrateOut() and DOMth() these are
basically just functions I've written to handle basic math problems that
would be too large to fit in a query.

Now when we have a tenant with several units we usually get a single check
for the total. We now post it as separate payments using the amount for that
unit and the check number but each will have a separate transaction number.
I'm looking for a way on these type of payments that are correct (most are)
in what they pay to simple post it once and have the system divide it up
into a new transaction for each unit with the correct amount and tracking
number for the check or credit card approval code. These amount are all
based on qryBalanceDue.

This is a fully functional program which is used daily. I'm just adding some
features such as batch payments to make things a little faster with less
chance to screw-up.

Vincent Johns wrote:
<Cut for size>

Joe Cilinceon

Oh and I forgot to answer your question, " Do you really maintain multiple
accounts for each customer??" One customer record and one unit record linked
via the Leases table. This is for a storage facility and I could not come up
with a better method of keeping track. A little bit more information should
help explain the need.

All rent is due on the 1st of the month and pays to the last day of the
month. Often people vacate before a month is up so it isn't uncommon to rent
a unit twice in the same month to different tenants. We also have a lot of
multiple rentals by the same tenant. It is not uncommon to have 1 tenant
rent 2 or more units and each unit is paid by a different method, such as
auto pay and by check. These of course can't be batched. One other thing we
see a lot of is split payments, pays a partial payment by check and the
balance by cash at the same time. I have all of these major problems solved
and working very well. Now if I could add a batch for those tenants 33
tenants with 4 or more units. g

Vincent Johns

Thanks for the additional information... I don't have time to do much
more on it now, will probably get back to you in a couple of days.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

Vincent Johns

OK, sorry about the delay. I've come up with a couple of suggestions,
but since you said, "This is a fully functional program which is used
daily," it appears that you need to be pretty careful about making
changes, since it would be easy to do more harm than good.

Incidentally, to answer your original question, yes it should be pretty
easy to calculate the total amount due from a tenant. But keeping the
amounts due in an easy-to-use format can simplify the job.

I noticed a couple of things you might want to look at. These are
changes that I made in my version of your database, to some extent for
cosmetic purposes, as I think it's important to have names match what
they stand for. That makes wrong constructs look more obviously wrong,
so that they can be corrected or avoided.

The [LEASES].[LedgerID] field doesn't need to be stored, as it can be
computed. For example, it could be calculated as

[TENANTS]![CustNo] & Format$([LEASES]!UnitNo,"000")
& Format$([LEASES]![StartDate],"yyyymmdd")

I set the primary key in [LEASES] to the set of 3 fields
[LEASES].[CustNo], [LEASES].[UnitNo], and [LEASES].[StartDate].

Fields [LEASES].[InLien] and [LEASES].[FreeMonth] were referred to in
SQL but not described in your message. How do you intend to use them?
Where do the values come from?

I created a new field, [LEASES].[Leases_ID], to track lease records,
supplanting [LEASES].[LedgerID] (which doesn't follow my naming
convention, as it doesn't identify a record in [LEDGER]). Of course,
you may use any names you wish that Access will accept, but it's easier
for me to give advice if the names suggest what the contents are
supposed to be. For example, I would normally set the primary key of a
Table named [Abcde] to be a random Autonumber field called [Abcde_ID],
so that in any other Table, I can tell at a glance that the field
[Abcde_ID] is a Number field referring to Table [Abcde]. That makes it
easy to link Tables without much risk of using the wrong fields to do
the linking (which would cause trouble).

For that reason, I renamed [CHARGES].[ChgID] to [CHARGES].[Charges_ID],
to more easily track where it belongs.

[qryBalanceDue].[Unit] I changed to [qryBalanceDue].[UnitNo]; both
spellings appear in what you posted, and I assume both refer to a
3-digit number that is posted on the outside of a storage locker.

I added a new primary key field, [TENANTS].[Tenants_ID], to supplement

I switched relationships.
- I added a new foreign key, [LEASES].[Tenants_ID], intended to
replace [LEASES].[CustNo].
- I used [Q_Update_Tenants_ID] to update the corresponding foreign key
- I deleted the old relationship.
- I set [TENANTS].[Tenants_ID] as the new primary key.
- I set a new relationship in the Relationships Table between the two
[Tenants_ID] fields.
- There being no further need for the now-redundant foreign key
[LEASES].[CustNo], I deleted that field, keeping [TENANTS].[CustNo] for
reference purposes.

I did the same thing to [UNITS].[UnitNo], replacing it with

Do fields such as [TENANTS].[NSFFee] and [TENANTS].[UnPaidDue] really
describe a quality of a tenant? For example, if [NSFFee] relates to an
amount of money that you charge if a check is returned (I'm just
guessing here; you didn't say), is it different for different tenants?
Can the amount that you charge a given tenant for such events change?
If so, how do you track the changes? Is [UnPaidDue] another type of
service charge, that is different from some tenants from what it is for
others? If they are indeed different for different tenants, are there
just a few such values (corresponding to different classes of tenants),
or do they vary all over the place? My guess is that there are only a
few such possible values, as spelled out in your contracts, and that you
could put those values into another Table, to which [TENANTS] could
link. What you've done isn't wrong, it just involves what I think is
more work to maintain it than you need.

Is [LEASES].[Rent] ever different from [UNITS].[Rate] of the linked
[UNIT]? When the rental rate for a unit changes, how do you keep track
of when it changed, and to what new amount? I'd expect to see that in
some other Table (linked to [UNITS]). If you don't keep track of when
[UNITS].[Rate] changed, but you do make a change to it, not only is
[LEASES].[Rent] wrong (until you change it, too), but previous payments
on that unit now appear to be have been wrong as well, even though they
probably were OK at the time.

Since you didn't specify what functions like GetsFee2() do, I can't give
much advice on them. I know you didn't ASK for any such advice, but for
my purposes, I assumed they'd always return a result of False. However,
they appear to affect the amount due, so more details about them would
make it easier to suggest ways to calculate the total amount due.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

Joe said:
Thank Vincent I'll mess with it myself over the next day or two.

Vincent said:
Thanks for the additional information... I don't have time to do much
more on it now, will probably get back to you in a couple of days.

-- Vincent Johns <[email protected]>
Please feel free to quote anything I say here.

Joe Cilinceon wrote:

Joe said:
Thanks Vincent. Below is a layout of the important stuff (I'll leave out
none needed fields as this program has really grown in size and shape)

AccountName (name on the account for example Company Name or LastName,
rest of the typical customer/tenant type data not used for any of this.

UNITS (stores all storage units with each unit having a unique number)
UnitNo ( is a 3 digit number as we only have 455 units)
Type (links to another table not used here but covers size, AC / Non AC,
Parking etc
Rate (Montly rental rate)

LEASES ( ties the Tenant and Unit together)
LedgerID (a unique text fields made up of the CustNo & UnitNo & Date of
Rental in the yyyymmdd format. So CustNo 150 in unit 100 renting
11/1/05 would look like "15010020001101"
CustNo ties to Tenant table
UnitNo ties to Units
StartDate (date moved in or signed the lease)
EndDate (Is Null unless vacated and then not used)
Now comes the fun stuff

LEDGER (This is the main start of the money trail)
Transaction (every time a payment is posted it gets a unique auto number)
LedgerID (Ties this to a CustNo/UnitNo combo)
PaymentDate (Date of posted payment)
RentRate (if rent is paid it holds the current rate as price can change. I
will want to know how much was paid at this date)
PaidFrom (Now this and PaidThru are only used when a unit is being paid and
are the only ones used in the qryBalanceDue

PAYMENTS (Not used but might help understand)
Tracking (for check # etc)
RevDate (used when a check bounces or a payment is reversed)

ExplainID ' Used lookup explanation table

QUERY starts here with 2 queries
qryCURRENT (SQL below)

SELECT LEASES.LedgerID, LEASES.EndDate, Units.Status,
Max(Ledger.PaymentDate) AS MaxOfPaymentDate, Max(Ledger.PaidFrom) AS
MaxOfPaidFrom, Max(Ledger.PaidThru) AS MaxOfPaidThru
JOIN Units ON LEASES.Unit = Units.Unit
GROUP BY LEASES.LedgerID, LEASES.EndDate, Units.Status
HAVING (((LEASES.EndDate) Is Null) AND ((Units.Status)=1)); ' Units.Status
woud be rented

SELECT qryCurrent.LedgerID, LEASES.Unit, LEASES.CustNo,
qryCurrent.MaxOfPaymentDate, qryCurrent.MaxOfPaidFrom,
qryCurrent.MaxOfPaidThru, LEASES.Rate, TENANTS.NSFFee, TENANTS.Credits,
TENANTS.UnPaidDue, DOMth([MaxOfPaidThru],3) AS NewPaidFrom,
IIf([NewPaidFrom]>Date(),domth([NewPaidFrom],2),domth(Date(),2)) AS
NewPaidThru, RentDue([NewPaidFrom],[NewPaidThru],[Rate]) AS RentOwed,
IIf(GetsFee1([MaxOfPaidThru])=True,18) AS LateFee1,
IIf(GetsFee2([MaxOfPaidThru])=True,18) AS LateFee2,
IIf(GetsFee3([MaxOfPaidThru])=True,18) AS LateFee3,
DateDiff("d",[MaxOfPaidThru],Date()) AS Days, LEASES.InLien,
IIf([InLien]=True,25) AS LCFee, IIf([InLien]=True,60) AS ActFee,
AS TotalFeesOwed, [RentOwed]+[TotalFeesOwed] AS TotalDue,
DateDiff("m",[MaxOfPaidThru],Date()) AS Months, LEASES.FreeMonth,
IIf([MaxOfPaidThru]<Date(),0,Round(ProrateOut(Date(),[Rate]),2))+[Refund] AS
AS Refund,
AS BalanceDue
FROM (qryCurrent INNER JOIN LEASES ON qryCurrent.LedgerID = LEASES.LedgerID)

You will also see a few functions such as ProrateOut() and DOMth() these are
basically just functions I've written to handle basic math problems that
would be too large to fit in a query.

Now when we have a tenant with several units we usually get a single check
for the total. We now post it as separate payments using the amount for that
unit and the check number but each will have a separate transaction number.
I'm looking for a way on these type of payments that are correct (most are)
in what they pay to simple post it once and have the system divide it up
into a new transaction for each unit with the correct amount and tracking
number for the check or credit card approval code. These amount are all
based on qryBalanceDue.

This is a fully functional program which is used daily. I'm just adding some
features such as batch payments to make things a little faster with less
chance to screw-up.

Vincent Johns wrote:
<Cut for size>

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