Need help to understand script

  • Thread starter Crowbar via
  • Start date

Crowbar via

Can someone please tell me which part of this script refers to the columns.
Also, why it won't complile at line 3

Dim res as Variant, res1 as Variant
dim qty as Long, pounds as Long
Dim i as Long, LastRow as Long
res = InputBox("Enter Minimum Items to Stay")
res1 = Inputbox("Enter Minimum £ to Stay")
if not(isnumeric(res) and isnumeric(res1)) then
msgbox "Invalid Values, quiting"
exit sub
end if
qty = clng(res)
pounds = clng(res1)

lastrow = cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup).row
for i = lastrow to 2 step -1
if cells(i,1) < qty and cells(i,2) < pounds then
end if

Tom Ogilvy

I copied it out of my posting and pasted it into a new module.

It compiled and Ran flawlessly - performing exactly as expected.

I have modified it to put in default values of 20 and 300 in the inputboxes,
so if you don't want to change you just hit OK or enter

I have also changed column references to Letters for ease of adjustment

If Cells(i, "A") < qty And Cells(i, "B") < pounds Then

Sub CC()
Dim res As Variant, res1 As Variant
Dim qty As Long, pounds As Long
Dim i As Long, LastRow As Long
res = InputBox("Enter Minimum Items to Stay", _
res1 = InputBox("Enter Minimum £ to Stay", _
If Not (IsNumeric(res) And IsNumeric(res1)) Then
MsgBox "Invalid Values, quiting"
Exit Sub
End If
qty = CLng(res)
pounds = CLng(res1)

LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For i = LastRow To 2 Step -1
If Cells(i, "A") < qty And Cells(i, "B") < pounds Then
End If

End Sub

Leith Ross

Hello Crowbar,

I ran your code on my machine using Office 2000 and Windows XP. I
compiled and ran fine. What system and version of Office are yo

Leith Ros

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