Need Help to Prevent Copy Function Use in a Read-Only Workbook



How can you hide sensitive information in cells/columns so that someone
opening the workbook can't highlight , copy, and paste the information to a
new worksheet, then "unhide" the information in the new worksheet? We've
tried locking/hiding the cells (Security tab under Format...Cells),
protecting the worksheet/workbook (Protection under Tools menu), and saving
the workbook as a Read Only file (General Options under Tools when using
"Save As..."). This is a major security flaw in the program if there isn't a
way to prevent this copying!!!



if you have ver 2002 or 2003 you can stop people selecting locked cells once
the sheet is protected ... if they can't select it they can't copy it.

however, password protection in excel is pretty easy to crack ... just do a
google search for ways to remove passwords in excel and you'll turn up a few
very effective ones in a very short space of time. So if the data is that
sensitive maybe you need to think about alternatives to leaving it in your
workbook that they can get to.


Dave Peterson

Can't select it with the mouse or cursor--but they can select it using Edit|goto
or typing in the namebox (and even in code).

To the original poster: If you don't want the data seen, don't put it into

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