Need help installing an app



Hi All,

I need to install an application on a w2k TS.
The application reads/writes in a specific folder on the
C: partition. I can't find a way in the app to direct it
to any other folder (I thought about directing it to a
folder in the %userdata% which is different for each user)

Is there a way to fool the app and redirect the C: to
something else??



Matthew Harris [MVP]

If the application is hard coded to use the C drive, then
there isn't much you can really do. You may be able to
setup a script to copy and move data around between data
directories and the particular directory on the C drive.



I have the same need. That is to install an aplication that when run places temp files in a sub folder on C:\, the application is to be used by terminal server clients. You can see the problem, users overwriteing each others temp files.

If I could only create a vurtual directory on the c:\ drive for each user that resolved to a unc. I wish I could find a utility to do this..
If I could reinstall my server so there is no C:\ drive, I've tryed but to no avail the system volume seems to always be C:\.
If there was no c:\ drive I could map the c:\ drive for each user to a share or use subst

I know the system does some redirection, the windows folder, the temp folders parts of the registry and such. I can't find much information about this or how I may be able to utilize that funtionality to my advantage. I would love to lurn more about the virutaly remaps of the registry and folders that make terminal server work in the first place but I can not find anything on the topic! Is this some kind of secret?

There must be a way.. if not I will make one.
Any infromation or resources on the topic would be wonderfull as my digging has turned up vary little usefull information.
-Brian Smith

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