Need Help in accessing photoshop with



We need some help in photoshop Add-in.
Here i am sending the problem. Please do in favour in solving the problem.
Through the .Net application we are activating the photoshop and sending
the short cut keys to photoshop for activating the adjustment dialog boxes.


Interaction.AppActivate("Adobe Photoshop");

//^l -- is the shortcut key for opening levels
//^m -- is the shortcut key for opening cureves
//^b -- is the shortcut key for opening colorbalance
//^u -- is the shortcut key for opening Hue/Saturation

===>>> It can be done by using sendkeys function in use32.dll also <<<====
//in the process p it will contains the adobe photoshop
//Importing user32.dll for usage of PostMessage which is used for sending
the messages to a process

static extern bool PostMessage(HandleRef hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr
wParam,IntPtr lParam);

ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo("Photoshop");
Process[] p1 = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessesByName("Photoshop");

Process p = p1[0];
System.IntPtr ptr = p.MainWindowHandle;
System.IntPtr ptr1 = p.Handle;
IntPtr hwnd = ptr;
Const WM_COMMAND = &H111;
int err;
err = PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 1801, 0); //1801 is the address of

It will activates the levels adjustment in photoshop application. After
doing need ful adjustments
in the levels dialog box "ok" button or "cancel" button will be clicked.
That button which is clicked
in levels dialog box that response is to be sended back to the .Net
application .
With that received response from the photoshop i have to send the next
adjustment tool code
which is to be activated.

This is the first adjustment tool opened after sending the short cut key.

After clicking the Ok button of the levels dialog box the next adjustment
tool "cures" has to be active automatically.

After clicking the Ok button of the "curves" dialog box the next adjustment
tool "Color Balance" has to be active automatically.

The every thing opening of the adjustment tools to be automated after
clicking "OK" or "Cancle" button in active dialog box the next adjustment
tool to be opened automatically.


You posted this to a bunch of different dotnet newsgroups.
In the future if you want to do that, post the message in all
the newsgroups at one time. This way, if anyone has a response
in one newsgroup, it is displayed in all the groups where
the message was posted.

Robin S.


Thank you Robin. I don't know that. I thought i can check every group. Thank
for your good suggestion.

RobinS said:
You posted this to a bunch of different dotnet newsgroups.
In the future if you want to do that, post the message in all
the newsgroups at one time. This way, if anyone has a response
in one newsgroup, it is displayed in all the groups where
the message was posted.

Robin S.
KAMAL said:
We need some help in photoshop Add-in.
Here i am sending the problem. Please do in favour in solving the
Through the .Net application we are activating the photoshop and sending
the short cut keys to photoshop for activating the adjustment dialog


Interaction.AppActivate("Adobe Photoshop");

//^l -- is the shortcut key for opening levels
//^m -- is the shortcut key for opening cureves
//^b -- is the shortcut key for opening colorbalance
//^u -- is the shortcut key for opening Hue/Saturation

===>>> It can be done by using sendkeys function in use32.dll also
//in the process p it will contains the adobe photoshop
//Importing user32.dll for usage of PostMessage which is used for sending
the messages to a process

static extern bool PostMessage(HandleRef hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr
wParam,IntPtr lParam);

ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo("Photoshop");
Process[] p1 =

Process p = p1[0];
System.IntPtr ptr = p.MainWindowHandle;
System.IntPtr ptr1 = p.Handle;
IntPtr hwnd = ptr;
Const WM_COMMAND = &H111;
int err;
err = PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 1801, 0); //1801 is the address of

It will activates the levels adjustment in photoshop application. After
doing need ful adjustments
in the levels dialog box "ok" button or "cancel" button will be clicked.
That button which is clicked
in levels dialog box that response is to be sended back to the .Net
application .
With that received response from the photoshop i have to send the next
adjustment tool code
which is to be activated.

This is the first adjustment tool opened after sending the short cut key.

After clicking the Ok button of the levels dialog box the next adjustment
tool "cures" has to be active automatically.

After clicking the Ok button of the "curves" dialog box the next
adjustment tool "Color Balance" has to be active automatically.

The every thing opening of the adjustment tools to be automated after
clicking "OK" or "Cancle" button in active dialog box the next adjustment
tool to be opened automatically.


Well, you *can* check every group, but if you post them all at once,
(1) you don't have to check every group, you can check one, and
(2) people with different ideas can exchange info, and might be
more likely to find a solution for you, and
(3) it irritates some people so much, they won't respond at all.

I'm not in category 3; if I knew the answer, I'd give it to you.
I just know about it because people have stated it.

Good luck.
Robin S.
KAMAL said:
Thank you Robin. I don't know that. I thought i can check every group.
Thank for your good suggestion.

RobinS said:
You posted this to a bunch of different dotnet newsgroups.
In the future if you want to do that, post the message in all
the newsgroups at one time. This way, if anyone has a response
in one newsgroup, it is displayed in all the groups where
the message was posted.

Robin S.
KAMAL said:
We need some help in photoshop Add-in.
Here i am sending the problem. Please do in favour in solving the
Through the .Net application we are activating the photoshop and
the short cut keys to photoshop for activating the adjustment dialog


Interaction.AppActivate("Adobe Photoshop");

//^l -- is the shortcut key for opening levels
//^m -- is the shortcut key for opening cureves
//^b -- is the shortcut key for opening colorbalance
//^u -- is the shortcut key for opening Hue/Saturation

===>>> It can be done by using sendkeys function in use32.dll also
//in the process p it will contains the adobe photoshop
//Importing user32.dll for usage of PostMessage which is used for
sending the messages to a process

static extern bool PostMessage(HandleRef hWnd, uint Msg, IntPtr
wParam,IntPtr lParam);

ProcessStartInfo pinfo = new ProcessStartInfo("Photoshop");
Process[] p1 =

Process p = p1[0];
System.IntPtr ptr = p.MainWindowHandle;
System.IntPtr ptr1 = p.Handle;
IntPtr hwnd = ptr;
Const WM_COMMAND = &H111;
int err;
err = PostMessage(hwnd, WM_COMMAND, 1801, 0); //1801 is the address

It will activates the levels adjustment in photoshop application.
After doing need ful adjustments
in the levels dialog box "ok" button or "cancel" button will be
clicked. That button which is clicked
in levels dialog box that response is to be sended back to the .Net
application .
With that received response from the photoshop i have to send the
next adjustment tool code
which is to be activated.

This is the first adjustment tool opened after sending the short cut

After clicking the Ok button of the levels dialog box the next
adjustment tool "cures" has to be active automatically.

After clicking the Ok button of the "curves" dialog box the next
adjustment tool "Color Balance" has to be active automatically.

The every thing opening of the adjustment tools to be automated
after clicking "OK" or "Cancle" button in active dialog box the next
tool to be opened automatically.

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