Need help creating a function



I have a spreadsheet that compiles a specific incentive given to customers.
I need to be able to total the number of people who received the incentive
based on the date they moved in. I want to create this on a "totals" sheet
within my workbook. I can figure out how to total all the incentives given
but not how to total by specific date.

Thanks to anyone that can help me.

J Sedoff

You could also use a sumif() or a countif() function, although for a general
reporting purpose, PivotTables are better (although a little more advanced
and sometimes more frustrating to use).

If you have each date listed on your "Totals" sheet in Column B; Sheet2,
Column B holds the customers date, and Column C contains the price of the

For your daily incentives total:

If you just want to know how many you handed out on that day, use the formula:

Hope this helps, Jim

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