Need formula help



Time in Excel is not kept in hours and minutes. It is kept as a decimal
fraction representing a portion of 24 hours. For example 1 am is 1/24 =
0.04166666666666667. 6am is 6/24 = 0.25, 12 noon is 12/24 = .5 It would be
helpful is you told us what error you're getting. You have to be
careful dealing with time. Did you format the time formula cell as [h]mm ?



Hi everyone:

I made a time sheet pretty basic. However when I want to add the times from
A1 through A45, I thought I would type it like "=sum(A1:A45)" However when I
use this formula I end up with an error all the time. Understand that the
values in those cells to be added are Hours and Minutes. So I need the
formula to be totaled in Hours and Minutes.

Thanx everyone for all your help.


Ron Rosenfeld

Hi everyone:

I made a time sheet pretty basic. However when I want to add the times from
A1 through A45, I thought I would type it like "=sum(A1:A45)" However when I
use this formula I end up with an error all the time. Understand that the
values in those cells to be added are Hours and Minutes. So I need the
formula to be totaled in Hours and Minutes.

Thanx everyone for all your help.


That's because your values are Text, and SUM ignores Text when you enter a
reference or array as an argument (see HELP).

You should just format the cell as time (e.g. h:mm or [h]:mm)



What I currently have going on is this. For Monday - Sunday I have a In and
Out time. For my Formula of the total hours worked for the day is
"=TEXT(D2-C2,"h:mm")" and that total is in column E2 through E9. I have used
the formula for my total hours for the week "=sum(E2:E9)" the problem is it
does not render a total.


Tyro said:
Time in Excel is not kept in hours and minutes. It is kept as a decimal
fraction representing a portion of 24 hours. For example 1 am is 1/24 =
0.04166666666666667. 6am is 6/24 = 0.25, 12 noon is 12/24 = .5 It would be
helpful is you told us what error you're getting. You have to be
careful dealing with time. Did you format the time formula cell as [h]mm ?


Bill said:
Hi everyone:

I made a time sheet pretty basic. However when I want to add the times
A1 through A45, I thought I would type it like "=sum(A1:A45)" However when
use this formula I end up with an error all the time. Understand that the
values in those cells to be added are Hours and Minutes. So I need the
formula to be totaled in Hours and Minutes.

Thanx everyone for all your help.


Fred Smith

Using the Text function is your problem. Excel can't add text -- it adds

Change "=TEXT(D2-C2,"h:mm")" to "=D2-C2", and format as [h]:mm. Then the sum
will work.


Bill said:

What I currently have going on is this. For Monday - Sunday I have a In
Out time. For my Formula of the total hours worked for the day is
and that total is in column E2 through E9. I have used
the formula for my total hours for the week "=sum(E2:E9)" the problem is
does not render a total.


Tyro said:
Time in Excel is not kept in hours and minutes. It is kept as a decimal
fraction representing a portion of 24 hours. For example 1 am is 1/24 =
0.04166666666666667. 6am is 6/24 = 0.25, 12 noon is 12/24 = .5 It would be
helpful is you told us what error you're getting. You have to be
careful dealing with time. Did you format the time formula cell as [h]mm


Bill said:
Hi everyone:

I made a time sheet pretty basic. However when I want to add the times
A1 through A45, I thought I would type it like "=sum(A1:A45)" However when
use this formula I end up with an error all the time. Understand that the
values in those cells to be added are Hours and Minutes. So I need the
formula to be totaled in Hours and Minutes.

Thanx everyone for all your help.


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