Need explaination of a DB Results Error im getting



the error im getting...

Database Results Error
Description: Syntax error in query. Incomplete query
Number: -2147217900 (0x80040E14)
Source: Microsoft JET Database Engine

the weirdest thing is that is seems like sometimes it
will work and i dont get the error!! most of the time i
get the error thoguh. im really unsure what info i can
give other than it use to work with no problem then
stopped. have talked with the server administrator and
he is clueless as to the cause. this is pulling info
from an MS Access database and have tripplechecked
everything and cant figure it out. have even totally
rebuilt the page with just the minimum database result
things and nothing flashy and still get it. it shuold be
pulling nothing but the items from a food menu and its
description under it. any ideas?


Can you share some more code with us?
What does the SQL string look like when you write it?
How do you generate the SQL string?
Using DRW ?

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