need convert a value (integer) into bytearray with bits 0-31

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I attempted to make one in VB.NET
but it dind't work at all..

Private buffer() As Byte 'OUTPUT OF BITS goes here
Dim bitPosition as Integer = Buffer(i) * 8 'current position of Buffer
Private bitMaskOut() As Integer = {0, 1, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, 127, 255,
511, 1023, 2047, 4095, 8191, 16383, 32767, 65535, &H1FFFF, &H3FFFF,

Sub setBits(ByVal numBits As Integer, ByVal value As Integer)
Dim bytePos As Integer = bitPosition >> 3
Dim bitOffset As Integer = 8 - (bitPosition And 7)
bitPosition += numBits

While numBits > bitOffset
' buffer(bytePos) &= ~ bitMaskOut(bitOffset) 'mask out the
desired area
Buffer(bytePos) = -(Buffer(bytePos) And bitMaskOut(bitOffset))
- 1
' buffer(bytePos) |= (value >> (numBits-bitOffset)) and
Buffer(bytePos) = (Buffer(bytePos) Or (value >> (numBits -
bitOffset)) And bitMaskOut(bitOffset))
bytePos += 1
numBits -= bitOffset
End While
If (numBits = bitOffset) Then
' buffer(bytePos) &= ~ bitMaskOut(bitOffset)
Buffer(bytePos) = -(Buffer(bytePos) And bitMaskOut(bitOffset) -

' buffer(bytePos) |= value and bitMaskOut(bitOffset)
Buffer(bytePos) = (Buffer(bytePos) Or value And
' buffer(bytePos) &= ~ (bitMaskOut(numBits)<<(bitOffset -
Buffer(bytePos) = -(Buffer(bytePos) And (bitMaskOut(numBits) <<
(bitOffset - numBits)) - 1)
' buffer(bytePos) |= (value and bitMaskOut(numBits)) <<
(bitOffset - numBits)
Buffer(bytePos) = (Buffer(bytePos) Or (value And
bitMaskOut(numBits)) << (bitOffset - numBits))
End If
End Sub

could someone tell me why it doesn't work? or better yet is there a
built in function to do this much quicker? I kinda seen BitArrays
inside 2005

Any help would be appericated thanks
Not sure what your intention is here. Are you wanting to create a single
byte for each of the bits in an integer that contains the value either 0 or
1? If that is your intention, there are a couple of ways of doing it. Here
is just one way:

Public Sub ToArray(ByVal theValue As Integer, ByVal theArray() As Byte)

If theArray.Length <> 32 Then
Throw New ArgumentException("theArray must be 32 bytes in length")
End If

For i As Integer = 0 To 31

theArray(i) = theValue And 1
theValue = theValue >> 1


End Sub