Need a formula to sum quantities by part number?



What is the formula to get the sum of quantities from a list of part numbers?
Example of my data:
Part# # of Items Qty Ordered
70164 1 10,000
70164 1 25,000
70165 1 5,000
70165 1 5,000
70166 1 5,000
70168 1 5,000
70170 1 25,000
70170 1 5,000
70185 1 10,000
70186 1 10,000
70186 1 10,000
70187 1 25,000
70187 1 20,000
70187 1 25,000
70189 1 50,000
70189 1 20,000
70189 1 50,000

I need a result showing each unique part number and the total quantity.


part# in A, qty in C.
=sumif(criteria range, criteria, sumrange)


muddan madhu

assumed col A - Part no.
Col B no. of items
Col C Qty ordered

Go to data | filter | advance filter | action : copy to another
location |
List range : sheet1!A$1:A$100 | copy to : E1 | check unique records
only | ok

in cell F2 put this formula =SUMIF($A$2:$A$6,E2,$C$2:$C$6)

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