Navigation Bar Question



Hello all, I have about 50 pages for different products that I would like to create navigation bar or buttons for using the navigation web component. But with 50 pages to link to, the space it uses is too large to effectively place in the layout. I would like to use the navigation view to easily update the bar or buttons. I like not having to go through each of the 50 pages to add or change one link.

Anyone have any idea on how to tame this monster?


Jim Buyens

-----Original Message-----
Hello all, I have about 50 pages for different products
that I would like to create navigation bar or buttons for
using the navigation web component. But with 50 pages to
link to, the space it uses is too large to effectively
place in the layout. I would like to use the navigation
view to easily update the bar or buttons. I like not
having to go through each of the 50 pages to add or
change one link.

Anyone have any idea on how to tame this monster?

You are perilously close to that agonizing threshhold
beyond which Navaigation View and Link Bars scale poorly.

Two solutions, however, are:
o Organize your products pages by category.
o Use a vertical, text-only Link Bar to display a
full list or products.

Long term, the best approach is likely to be:
1. Creating a database table that contains a record for
each product.
2. Using the Database Results Wizard (or some custom code)
to display a list of products.
3. Again using the Database Results Wizard (or some custom
code) to display a detail page for each products.
This is easier to maintain, and avoids the task of
creating a whole new Web page for each product.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
(e-mail address removed)
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||


Any information on creating and utilizing a database? I have some experience
using Access, which I'm sure FrontPage can use, but any articles on using
FrontPage to access an Access Database?


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